Example sentences of "wan [prep] [vb infin] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I wan na wear the w I wan na wear the ones that
2 ‘ Yer wan na 'ear the gels in the turnin' where I live .
3 Yer wan na 'ear the carmen who work there go on about 'im .
4 you wan na see the spellings in here , you want to leave them in Ton
5 You wan na see the games they 've got for sale in London at Christmas and I have n't .
6 but as you say we wan na get the tellies off him first do n't we ?
7 I wan na get the spuds .
8 But there are many reasons , as you will see when we put our amendment asking why are budget proposals are different from the ruling groups but the main reasons are simply the ruling group 's refusal , for whatever reason , I just wan na hear the reasons .
9 ‘ We don ’ wan na warn the goons who run this place , until our main assault group gits here .
10 If you wan na take the numbers of that .
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