Example sentences of "withdrawal [prep] [noun] [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 Saddam offers to free Westerners held in Iraq and Kuwait in return for the withdrawal of US forces from the Gulf .
2 The government on Dec. 27 announced that negotiations with the United States aimed at allowing the withdrawal of US forces from Subic Bay naval base to be phased over a three-year period had broken down .
3 The only practical argument advanced by the supporters of the common European security policy is based upon the fact of the withdrawal of US troops from Western Europe .
4 Preliminary discussions on holding joint legislative talks [ see p. 37041 ] made little progress on Nov. 29 , 1989 , when delegates were drawn into arguments about " openness " , reform in North Korea , the withdrawal of US troops from South Korea and the abolition of the South 's National Security Law .
5 Planned withdrawal of US troops from Far East and Western Europe
6 North Korea 's willingness to accept a phased withdrawal of US troops from South Korea marked an apparent departure from its previous insistence upon their immediate removal .
7 Withdrawal of US troops from southern Iraq — Skirmishes in north
8 One concern is simply the common withdrawal of headquarters functions from the North when a firm is taken over from the South ( Watts , 1989 ) .
9 The declaration was made by the self-styled President of Bougainville , Francis Ona , and followed a prolonged guerrilla struggle by the Bougainville Revolutionary Army ( BRA ) which had succeeded in forcing the withdrawal of government forces from the island in March 1990 .
10 These were state borders , citizenship , withdrawal of army units from Estonia , and legal issues .
11 The talks were reported to have broken down on Jan. 21 over the issue of the withdrawal of JNA forces from areas of Croatia not under UN protection , although both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire .
12 Macedonia took a further step towards independence with the withdrawal of JNA forces from the republic on March 26 .
13 From its strengthened position Croatia on Sept. 24 demanded the complete withdrawal of JNA units from the republic as a precondition for peace , and stated its refusal to recognize Serbian control of areas in Croatia .
14 During the run-up to the elections in 1990 the SPD candidate , Oskar Lafontaine , gave high priority to the withdrawal of NATO troops from German soil , and even the Christian Democratic government allowed doubts to creep in about the level of their commitment to NATO when they refused to modernise their short-range nuclear missiles in 1989 .
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