Example sentences of "spend [det] [pos pn] time [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At Los Tuxtlas , howlers spend half their time collecting fruits of 19 species with a preference for those of certain Moraceae and Lauraceae .
2 That is why reporters at Westminster spend half their time drinking in the bars or taking politicians out to lunch and dinner .
3 THE PUNK generation now spend half their time whining about the smothering blanket of baby boomer nostalgia .
4 We spend half our time trying to escape the worries of adulthood , so it does n't make sense to rush children into it .
5 The wish bones , who spend all their time wishing some one else would do the work .
6 The medium-sized ones help with some of these tasks , while the largest spend all their time tending the young .
7 Many women feel that they should not have any needs and spend all their time looking after others , juggling time and not fulfilling their own needs .
8 Some people get back pain , some get irritable , some withdraw , some become frantic and panicky , some assume a calm , out-of-touch-with-reality veneer , some spend all their time moaning about what 's wrong …
9 There is natural resentment when a number of our middle-distance stars spend all their time running abroad .
10 When they 're not actually at war , Orcs spend all their time fighting each other to establish rights of leadership .
11 They spend all their time surrounded by nature and the one thing nature does n't do is lie .
12 In our half-hour chat , I meet Little Brother ( ‘ He always comes in when you want to shag your girlfriend ’ ) ; the Gits ( ‘ They like looking through the obituaries and camping out next to accident black spots ’ ) ; Lee and Lance ( ‘ a couple of garage owners , they spend all their time putting Garfield stickers on cars ’ ) ; and Euro-Man ( ‘ as far as he 's concerned , the Euro-Parliament is just one big Amsterdam squat ’ ) .
13 Oh there 's you spend all your time sorting out other people 's arguments and I 'm not as thick as that !
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