Example sentences of "to let go of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unsure of whether she does owe him an explanation , of how much of her perspective she can get across in a conversation , and unwilling to let go of the London Kate who has broken through to the surface , she is ashamed of her suspicions of his reasons for asking her back to his place and agrees .
2 She came to value what she had learnt from her difficult childhood , and to let go of the past .
3 Are you willing to let go of the past and reach for the future ?
4 Perhaps this is due to a reluctance to let go of the past , and perhaps too there is a parallel in other parts of the garden with the modern revival of interest in ‘ wild ’ and ‘ natural ’ gardens and plants .
5 It was as if my mind was ready to let go of the past .
6 Sheikh , who was batting , stood crouched over his bat , patiently waiting for the moment when Mafouz would decide to let go of the ball .
7 Self-directed learning takes a great deal of planning by the teaching team , and teachers are reluctant to let go of the responsibility of being the main teaching resource .
8 His relentless grip increased till she was forced to let go of the ribbon .
9 I find myself in the position of the dart player who one day discovers he is unable to let go of the dart !
10 Oh yes , I mean if they were going out to let go of the ropes .
11 If the ship was leaving the port the boatmen have got ta be there to let go of the ropes .
12 The controls are well laid out and become instinctive after a few plays , though you have to let go of the joystick pretty smartish or you 'll move one block further than you intended .
13 Before the American could go any farther , the bouncer had grabbed his wrist and forced him to let go of the girl .
14 She was reluctant to let go of the roach at first but then she hurled it into the fire and got unsteadily to her feet , saying , ‘ I know what . ’
15 21 ) a ) So if the person has to let go of the trolley , it will stop automatically so does n't run away .
16 This again is entirely due to excess muscle tension and , with the help of a teacher , the pupil can learn to let go of the muscles that are causing the problem .
17 I had the good sense to let go of the trumpet case and try and keep rolling out of range .
18 The strongest youth cultures of the century were in the 1950s and 1960s , and now that the members of this generation are over the border into middle age , they are showing an egotistical , but maybe quite a healthy reluctance to let go of the limelight .
19 Neither the parent nor the child was able to let go of the argument .
20 The trouble is that we forget to let go of the tension .
21 The only requirements are patience , a willingness to learn and a readiness to let go of the habits of a lifetime .
22 You 'll have to let go of the book .
23 Lee felt jealous , lumpy , and tried to let go of the feeling as she arranged the flowers in the kitchen .
24 Hunched over , with her hair in her eyes , she looked like an old woman caught stealing potatoes , half afraid of the consequences , half afraid to let go of the spoils .
25 Even in these great spaces we seem unwilling to let go of the reins .
26 One of the major criticisms that is made of senior management is its unwillingness to let go of the reins of an organisation , to delegate routine tasks and to concentrate upon the longer term .
27 Although he agreed , it was obviously difficult for Adam to let go of the reins , as Lissa discovered when she arrived at Lynx some time later to find him still on the premises .
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