Example sentences of "tears [verb] [prep] [pos pn] eye " in BNC.

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1 Lucenzo 's face became misty as the tears formed in her eyes and rolled silently down her cheeks .
2 His tears floated from his eyes and star-splashed perfectly against his faceplate , one by one .
3 Large tears brimmed in her eyes as she stared dumbly from one to the other .
4 In spite of herself , tears welled in her eyes .
5 Tears welled in her eyes as she wondered about her loved ones .
6 She hung her head , feeling tears prickle in her eyes .
7 Tears gathered in her eyes .
8 Tears gathered behind her eyes .
9 All the way home , she practised the words she would speak to Craig Grenfell , she must tell him to leave , to find another place to stay but the feeling of emptiness that swept over her whenever she thought of saying goodbye to him brought tears brimming to her eyes .
10 She looked at him with tears brimming in her eyes .
11 At one point tears rolled from his eyes ; they crept down the side of his face , and into his ears ; he continued to lie rigid .
12 And suddenly , astonishingly , astonished , she began to weep , great sobs bursting out of her , tears leaping from her eyes , a kind of howling noise in her nose and throat , and Charles got up and came and sat by her and took her in his arms as she howled like a six-year-old .
13 Tears pricked at his eyes .
14 Sudden , treacherous tears pricked behind her eyes .
15 Common sense prevailed , tears pricked behind his eyes , he sat down again .
16 Tears rose in her eyes .
17 Melissa touched her arm ; still she did not move but as if a tap had been opened , tears spilt from her eyes and began streaming down her face .
18 She thought of a beautiful phrase — to comfort his sad heart — and tears came into her eyes .
19 Tears came into her eyes as she watched him , though she could n't have said why , but she did know it was something she 'd never forget , etched on her memory now forever .
20 She stopped and tears came into her eyes .
21 She turned to the table , yawning so that the tears came into her eyes .
22 Her chest heaved , tears came into her eyes .
23 And as he was about to depart he looked back upon his own home , and when he saw his hall deserted , the household chests unfastened , the doors open , no cloaks hanging up , no seats in the porch , no hawks upon the perches , the tears came into his eyes , and he said , My enemies have done this …
24 Familiar smells rose above the ever-present odour of the nearby sewage farm , and tears came into my eyes as my nostrils sniffed out stale liniment , old Bovril and the lingering aroma of Dave Doyle 's feet .
25 We looked at each other , not saying a word , and tears came into my eyes .
26 Tears came to her eyes and , as she entered the kitchen , she stumbled a little .
27 As she listened to the sweet voices of the children coming from the church , and thought of the pain she had experienced in her short life , tears came to her eyes .
28 And she laughed until tears came to her eyes .
29 She found it hard to believe that such a thing had happened , and tears came to her eyes .
30 Tears came to her eyes .
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