Example sentences of "around 10 per [no cls] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The existing equity holders may also be asked to participate in a further round of equity raising , for around 10 per cent of the total .
2 Every year he expects to lose around 10 per cent of his lambs .
3 By 1953 , Defence expenditure had almost doubled and was running at around 10 per cent of GDP .
4 The UK chemical industry is one of the most successful parts of the economy producing around 10 per cent of the net manufacturing output and placing Britain among the top four chemical exporting nations .
5 However , despite these encouraging figures , marketing studies carried out in the USA show that most home-gym equipment goes unused and only around 10 per cent of American adults engage in brisk , regular exercise .
6 Around 10 per cent of pupils gave responses of the form 0.4 =
7 Largely because of migration patterns , the non-white population is also younger than the white population ; for example , around 4 per cent ( approximately 97,000 ) of the black and Asian populations had reached retirement age by 1986 , compared with around 10 per cent of the white population ( Patel , 1990 ) .
8 While expenditure was reduced after this , by the 1960s , with the entry of the United States into the Vietnam conflict , it rose to around 10 per cent of GDP once more .
9 Languages : Bulgarian ( official ) ; Turkish spoken by around 10 per cent of population .
10 Around 10 per cent of Albania 's population was estimated to be Catholic .
11 Izvestiya of March 12 reported that officials were predicting a budget deficit in the first quarter of around 10 per cent of gross national product ( GNP ) against the government 's target of 1 per cent .
12 Using the most fundamental measure of poverty , the " breadline " , Professor Hay has estimated that over the years 1760 to 1802 in a normal year around 10 per cent of Staffordshire families would have been unable to buy sufficient bread over the year even if they had spent their whole earnings on it .
13 This group benefited most from the increasing absorption of men into the Army and Navy which peaked at around 10 per cent of the adult male labour force , nullifying the effect of population increase on the labour market .
14 The three major paper producers in northern Europe — Finland , Sweden and Norway — recycle only around 10 per cent of their paper .
15 There are around three million players in Britain , but only 10 per cent of these are actually affiliated to a club and around 10 per cent of the club members are actually rated .
16 The late Victorian and Edwardian period offered low taxes , cheap servant labour , and reasonable returns of capital whilst the retail price index fell by around 10 per cent between the wars .
17 The table documents a growth in the proportion of those living by themselves from around 10 per cent in 1945 to over one-third in 1980 .
18 Western Europe produced around 10 per cent throughout this period , and the rest of the world only some 3 per cent .
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