Example sentences of "opened [pos pn] eye [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I opened my eyes and put the bedside light back on .
2 In the first lull I opened my eyes and saw Toby 's frightened face hanging over me .
3 I opened my eyes and looked up at Mick 's grinning face , leaning into the entrance to the trench .
4 I opened my eyes and thought to myself , ‘ What 're you doing here ? ’
5 I opened my eyes and realised the barge had only half-turned and we were now running parallel to both the island and the shore .
6 I opened my eyes and glowered at him .
7 I opened my eyes and gulped , breathing deeply .
8 On this particular journey I occasionally opened my eyes and peered through the slats of the truck .
9 I opened my eyes and turned to my partner .
10 I opened my eyes and turned around to face her .
11 I opened my eyes and sat up to listen , with the skin furring up on my arms .
12 I opened my eyes and gave him a puzzled look .
13 He had seen it happen , like a click of the fingers , the start of life , when the foal opened its eyes and looked at him .
14 She opened her eyes and glared at him .
15 Sighing wearily , Beth opened her eyes and told her , ‘ You 're right , Peggy .
16 Phoebe opened her eyes and saw the abstracted professional look in the doctor 's face ; attentive not to Phoebe but to the lump , to the breast itself .
17 She opened her eyes and saw a river , its surface shaking beneath the icy draught , the ducks bobbing slightly as they followed one another , seeking sanctuary .
18 Presently , Sarah opened her eyes and saw her visitor .
19 She opened her eyes and saw him .
20 Melanie opened her eyes and saw thorns among roses , as if she woke from a hundred years ' night , la belle au bois dormante , imprisoned in a century 's steadily burgeoning garden .
21 She sank slowly to the bottom and opened her eyes and saw the legs of the four underwater .
22 She opened her eyes and saw Rodier standing by the bed with the nurse hovering behind him .
23 The wind whisked past her ears , her stomach lurched ; she opened her eyes and saw the white , freckled child screaming , his mouth open like a great dark cave , clinging on to the side of the boat with his frail clean-scrubbed little hands .
24 When she opened her eyes and saw Patrick standing in the room she started up with a cry .
25 She opened her eyes and froze with horror and disbelief at the sight of a vast creature staring down at her with green eyes each as big as a lilypond .
26 Melissa opened her eyes and glanced round .
27 All in a flurry of dust it came towards her and then she heard Ferdinando shout her name and the neighing of the horse as it was pulled in and she trembled as she opened her eyes and looked up .
28 She opened her eyes and looked straight into the beautiful face of the Italian .
29 Staring down at the girl , Pascoe saw in her the Martha he had known as a lad — the Martha he had loved and lost ; and while he stared , she opened her eyes and looked back up at him from the stinking bed of straw , and for a moment he felt a little stirring of fear .
30 Her body went as taut as a bowstring , and when she opened her eyes and looked into his face she saw there awestricken astonishment .
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