Example sentences of "latter part [prep] the war " in BNC.

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1 Of even greater consequence , the participation of adolescents in society was of special interest in the latter part of the War when ‘ reconstruction ’ promised both efficiency and a liberal , social democracy in which everyone had a part to play .
2 Bigger , better and faster was what everyone strove for , and the latter part of the war saw the early jet fighters enter the fray .
3 Yoshida was a former diplomat of Anglophile inclinations ; he had firmly disapproved of the ascendancy of the military before and during the Pacific War and had been imprisoned in the latter part of the war .
4 The flourishing of more liberal trends during the latter part of the war and the early 1920s seemed to mark a shift from autocratic , oligarchic rule to representative party politics , giving the period the title ‘ Taishó democracy ’ , after the Taishó emperor who came to the throne in 1912 .
5 Wg Cdr Rodley , a distinguished Pathfinder , commanded No 97 Squadron which , together with No 83 Squadron , was hijacked by No 5 Group towards the latter part of the war to provide pathfinding expertise for No 5 Group 's bombing sorties .
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