Example sentences of "back turned [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The silver water shatters under her feet , the child bounces as he rides on her breast , and she no longer hears Sycorax , only the pulse of the sea as it breaks in frills on the smooth and shiny sand , the splash of her stride and the drumming of her heart as she makes for the forest to the north , her back turned to the bay where the English ship rides at anchor , where the sea battle will take place .
2 Preparing potatoes at the sink with her back turned to the child can be a helpful way of encouraging her to ignore the child during eating .
3 It was the nature of the place , he thought , perched up there on its remote peak , its back turned to the world , all the more obsessed with its petty intrigues and scandals because it knew them to be of no interest whatever to anyone else .
4 The Beast wore a tunic with a special inside breast pocket in which ( with back turned to the audience ) he could hide his mask and gloves when transformed to human form by Beauty 's kiss , and that ingenious idea must have been John 's own .
5 Once round the low barrier of the gatehouse and the prefabricated museum building , with her back turned on the plateau along which the road cruised towards distant Silcaster , the shallow , silver-green bowl of the book-jacket opened before her , wide and tranquil .
6 He noted the rapid , undignified scramble by which the culprit extricated himself from the ropes on the river path , followed by ominous little trickles of loose earth ; and the exaggerated dignity with which he compensated as soon as he was clear , his slender back turned upon the voice that blasted him out of danger , his crest self-consciously reared in affected disregard of sounds which could not possibly be directed at him .
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