Example sentences of "only access [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The only access to the village would be blocked for long periods .
2 It seemed as if Four Winds did , indeed , have the only access to the beach .
3 The dock company , being responsible for the port 's facilities had control of the Gillingham Gate , the only access to the port and , therefore , all vehicles going to and from the port had to use Bridge Road and Medway Road .
4 The only access to the port is through the Gillingham Gate which is at the north end of Bridge Road .
5 The only access to the interior of the Old Cathedral now is through the New .
6 A short side road branches off to a passenger ferry across the Kyle , linking the opposite shore with a narrow strip of tarmac eleven miles long that provides the only access to the lighthouse at Cape Wrath .
7 The only access to the basement was down a flight of steep steps , and involved ducking under a low ceiling .
8 For their part , however , the Poles saw their only access to the sea through a port that they did not fully control , and in which there was already a swell of anti-Polish feeling .
9 In 1200 the king of France , ruling in Paris , was virtually land-locked , the county of Ponthieu , around Boulogne , being his only access to the sea .
10 It is a shame that our only access to the experiences of the Colombian people is via the odd journalistic collage , usually lifted from El Tiempo , one of the country 's Liberal newspapers .
11 Some learned judge would have been appointed to head it and his only access to the facts would be to ask the Cabinet Secretary , the Admiralty , the Director General of MI5 and MI6 what they knew .
12 These were manned by guards whose only access to the towers was by way of a single rope which they had to climb in a gymnastic fashion ; they then pulled up the rope and remained in the towers for the rest of the shift .
13 Pembroke Gate is on English Estates ' portion , Chatham Maritime , leaving the Gillingham Gate as the only access to the dock company 's undertaking .
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