Example sentences of "only person in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The only light he could see was in the lobby , and the only person in the lobby was an anxious girl with a clipboard who was waiting to greet him personally , and who seemed personally grateful for his skill in getting himself found and driven there by the company 's chauffeur .
2 It was surprising , really , that the only person in the school whom Dr Ali had sentenced to death should be Robert .
3 Brutus was the only person in the play who was n't working for himself and although he was idealistic , he stuck to his plans and carried them through .
4 The hon. Member for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) is apparently the only person in the country who does not yet believe that the minimum wage would cost a substantial number of jobs if it were implemented .
5 You 're the only person in the country who has n't seen Marathon Man !
6 ‘ Nik did n't want to be Richard 's yes-man in the company , ’ says Berry , ‘ and , frankly , he was the only person in the company with the position to be anything other than Richard 's yes-man .
7 He must be the only person in the village with a view , if he chose to take it , of both vest and surplice .
8 When there were not games he disappeared into the library and found himself the only person in the building .
9 You 've gone on for years about being the only person in the West Country with the faintest notion how to prune roses . ’
10 I do n't mean here , this version necessarily , but you 're not the only person in the world who keeps up with the wider literature , you know .
11 If Greg Martin is alive then perhaps he is the only person in the world who can supply the answers . ’
12 If you 're the only person in the world without a Jimi Hendrix compilation , consider Polygram 's ‘ The Ultimate Experience ’ .
13 The only person in the world who continued to show her unfailing kindness was Corporal John Carrow .
14 He was being hunted ; she was the only person in the world who knew where he would go to hide .
15 James smiled at Barbara , and she found herself smiling back ; his charm was the kind that , while it is directed at you , makes you feel you are the only person in the world .
16 Around forty of these drawings have been known for years from books and exhibitions , but as things are , I am the only person in the world at the moment to have complete knowledge of what that collection was in its entirety .
17 How comforting to read Gill Rowley 's Pet-Hate List ( YWTU , October GH ) about the check-out trolley pushers — I always thought I was the only person in the world who wanted to reverse , screaming hysterically , ‘ Get back ! ’
18 How could he have hit his brother , the only person in the world with whom he felt fully relaxed , happy , and at home ?
19 She looked at me unsmiling and I opened my mouth to protest that I was the last person in the world to take such a thing for granted , that I was the only person in the world who held a low opinion of sexual experience .
20 ‘ I knew I was n't the only person in the world you 'd got the courage to shout at , ’ she says .
21 Am I the only person in the world who feels so strongly ?
22 Was she the only person in the world who felt that love was too precious a commodity to cheapen by offering it as a stake in a game where the prize was emotional titillation ?
23 Once away from the car parks you could be the only person in the world . ’
24 But — oh , Ellie , there was such a to-do last time , Phena carrying on as though she were the only person in the world who had been lied to , and I know it was hard for her , and Feargal would have given her all this without a blink , but she wanted to play the martyr , and now makes him pay for it in oh , so many little ways . ’
25 The only person in the world who knew those was me .
26 She came to Harry Sissen 's farm between Darlington and Northallerton as he is the only person in the world actively trying to breed Lears Macaws ( named after Edward Lear in 1856 ) and save the species .
27 It really annoys me , and every now and again I sit him down and say now look you , oh Henry , and he adores , the actual , personally my father adores my mother and the sun has always shone out , she 's the only person in the world for him
28 From Cambridge it is , yes , er that 's actually one of its great strengths , because it is n't a thing which has been revised and added on to , it is completely new , and before we actually made it , our editor , David Crystal , er actually is probably the only person in the world to have sat and read through from cover to cover four other encyclopaedias , to find out what was wrong with them , how they could be improved .
29 But MacGregor , the only person in the Cabinet who is , or probably ever has been , a member of the Magic Circle , is not what he seems .
30 The only person in the room Dyson recognized was de Sousa , the producer , and he seemed to be the least important of them all .
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