Example sentences of "terms of the contract [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The terms of the contracts in this category are rarely negotiated ; instead , they are prepared by or for one party who effectively imposes them on the other party to the contract , saying " If you want to do business with me , you must use my terms " .
2 The Act requires each party to perform " in accordance with the terms of the contract " , so that the seller must deliver goods which conform to all the express and implied terms of the contract including the statutory implied terms concerned with the quality and condition of the goods delivered .
3 In the view of the Board the resolution of this case depends upon two fundamental propositions : first , agency is a contract made between principal and agent ; second , like every other contract , the rights and duties of the principal and agent are dependent upon the terms of the contract between them , whether express or implied .
4 The terms of the contract between the auctioneer and the vendor can of course be varied by contrary agreement ( i. e. usually by the printed auction conditions ) .
5 The true nature of the transaction can be ascertained only by examining the terms of the contract between X and Y. If it is clear that Y is buying the goods for himself , albeit with a commitment or an intention to re-sell , then Y is a buyer and re-seller .
6 This was because the terms of the contract between seller and buyer made it clear that the buyer in re-selling the goods was doing so , not for his own account , but as agent for , and on account of , the seller .
7 In many cases the question will be answered by looking at the terms of the contract between the parties although a description of the parties as " employer " and " employee " is not conclusive .
8 Mr JAD Gilliland QC ( sitting as a deputy judge ) permitted the defendants to rescind a contract for the sale of land as a result of a misrepresentation made before contract , despite the fact that clause 10 of the sale agreement provided that the agreement contained all the terms of the contract between the vendor and the purchaser and that the purchaser did not enter into the agreement in reliance on any warranty or representation made or purported to have been made by or on behalf of the vendor other than the vendor 's solicitor 's written replies to enquiries raised by the purchaser 's solicitor .
9 This liability is owed to the third party in tort by the party in default , and the terms of the contract between the party in default and the innocent party can have no effect on it .
10 ( 3 ) If the party tendering the document did what was reasonably sufficient to give the other party notice of the conditions , and if the other party knew that there was writing or printing on the document , but did not know that it contained conditions , then the conditions will become the terms of the contract between them .
11 Under SOGIT 1973 , the test of reasonableness was to be applied taking account of all the circumstances including those which occurred after the making of the contract , whereas , under UCTA 1977 , the test is to be applied to the terms of the contract at the time of contracting .
12 Many employees do not worry about such matters until a dispute arises , but the provisions do enable employees and their advisers to obtain details of the main terms of the contract of employment without too much difficulty .
13 Thus , in the present case , the scope of the fiduciary duties owed by the defendants to the plaintiff ( and in particular the alleged duty not to put themselves in a position where their duty and their interest conflicted ) are to be defined by the terms of the contract of agency .
14 There is no appropriation at the moment when he takes possession of the goods because he was entitled to do so under the terms of the contract of sale , a contract which is , it is true , voidable , but has not been avoided at the time the goods are handed over .
15 There is no appropriation at the moment when he takes possession of the goods because he was entitled to do so under the terms of the contract of sale , a contract which is , it is true , voidable , but has not been avoided at the time the goods are handed over .
16 During its early history the bill of lading was an appendage of the charter party and of the contract of ocean carriage The function of the bill of lading was to acknowledge receipt of the cargo delivered by the shipper to the shipowner , charterer , or master of the vessel and to summarize the principal terms of the contract of ocean freight .
17 His status as an employee had ended but the continuing terms of the contract of employment subsisted .
18 The basic distinction at common law is between statements which are intended to be terms of the contract of supply , ie promissory in nature , and statements which are representational in nature .
19 A contract of supply may state expressly that the supplier is to be exempt from performance of some terms of the contract of supply , or that liability may be restricted in some way or other .
20 Whilst these are certainly legitimate concerns , it does mean that a private customer is deprived of the extra flexibility of the OTC market with its ability to tailor the maturity and other critical terms of the contract to a customer 's exact needs .
21 I was anxious to settle the terms of the contract with M. Chaillot and , because I wanted to avoid being cornered by him in Passy , I suggested to Jean-Claude that he make an appointment for me to see him at the radio , mid-morning , on a date when I had a luncheon appointment .
22 alteration to the terms of the contract by the hotel ;
23 Country or Political Risks which include difficulties and delays in transferring money from the buyer 's country ; action of the buyer 's government which prevents performance of the contract ; political or economic events which prevent or delay payment ; and failure or refusal to fulfil any terms of the contract by a public sector buyer .
24 My Lord the plaintiff 's case , as you can appreciate , is that Mr had very clearly , on several occasions in mid October , er requested a way out of this contract there was a way out er under the terms of the contract by service of special notice to complete erm and yet he had been told that there was no way that they could withdraw from the contract .
25 Other expressions in the contract ( such as ‘ fair average quality for the season ’ or ‘ packed in cases of 30 ’ ) can then be regarded , not as part of the contract description , but as express terms of the contract in their own right .
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