Example sentences of "making it difficult for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 His left Achilles tendon became badly shortened , making it difficult for him to put his foot to the floor , and he had a strong positive supporting reaction in his foot .
2 The rain had almost stopped , but various projections over the pavement in Fleet Street dripped on Dyson as he passed , wetting the lenses of his spectacles and making it difficult for him to see where he was going .
3 We 're not pressing teams and making it difficult for them , which has previously been the basis of our success .
4 The welfare state therefore acts as a ceiling over the heads of those on low incomes , making it difficult for them to move up through their own efforts .
5 Clare 's solicitor explained to her that men often forced their wives to return by refusing to grant a divorce and making it difficult for them to obtain money — even when it was awarded by a court .
6 Now again if you take a good look round the retired people in town there is , you just sit down on one of those benches in town and watch people for a bit , and you 'll see that a lot of them are deteriorating physically and that is making them , making it difficult for them to get about socially , shopping- wise and so on .
7 Their captain 's making it difficult for them on the blower
8 The guns firing from the direction of the River Orne were making it difficult for me to hear what Taff was now saying .
9 The tempo of his caresses quickened , making it difficult for her to think .
10 At her sudden acquiescence , he made a little sound of satisfaction deep in his throat and his embrace tightened , becoming almost painful in its intensity , making it difficult for her to breathe .
11 They were making it difficult for her to tear herself away .
12 His low chuckle and the touch of his finger tips drifting lightly over her curves were making it difficult for her to concentrate .
13 Aggressive behaviour creates enemies , which can induce greater fear and a sense of paranoia , making it difficult for you to relax .
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