Example sentences of "eyes be fixed [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 His eyes are fixed on hers as if he is trying to outstare her .
2 ‘ All eyes are fixed on him [ Romana ] in the hope that he will overturn the present system . ’
3 His eyes are fixed on you and you know , you just know that he 's about to spring .
4 My free wing hung from the pole for I could not easily close it without terrible pain ; my eyes were fixed on them .
5 Davis touched his forelock and then glanced towards the Oaks , as though conscious that George 's eyes were fixed on him with a disturbing intensity .
6 All eyes were fixed on him as he held up his hand .
7 Her large eyes were fixed on him , and she wished that she could go away and leave him in peace when he had laboured for so long and so hard .
8 His eyes were fixed on her with such intensity that she felt as if that dark brown gaze were burning her skin .
9 David 's eyes were fixed on her with an intensity she had n't seen before .
10 She sat quite still and her eyes were fixed on me with a curious , dark look of sympathy mixed with something else .
11 Kruger-Daine 's eyes were fixed on us .
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