Example sentences of "get to [art] top of " in BNC.

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1 That summit was partially hidden , however , for when you get to the top of the final slope there 's a level stretch that takes you just out of view .
2 When you get to the top of each leg it 's vital to remember the inside where it rubs against the chest , which can often matt .
3 The resistance to this shearing will start at nothing , build up to a maximum , and decline again to zero when the atoms get to the top of the hump .
4 When you get to the top of your sleeve , take the stitches off the machine with the garter bar .
5 They find a backlog of work building up , in which important but less urgent planning and discussing never get to the top of the pile , being submerged by the constant stream of things that have to be dealt with immediately .
6 It 's a short , sharp , you can see it there , you get to the top of it , get up to your roundabout , we hang a right , and the next , it 's a bit of a drag all the way up , you save coming , coming the other way it 's down hill , from just past The Bull , until you get to the , almost to that junction you turn off the top and you 're going up hill , just slowly , but cor , you get up to that , our junction , she drops down , we went straight down through the High Street , and we hung a right in the one way system , turn left , did n't get , quite get to Green Lane , turn left and up we come round the Green Lane , up and in the back way .
7 But then , it 's a big difference between skiing abroad and you know , like staying somewhere like Cyprus skiing in Scotland , it 's true , but I mean , it 's like the first , I mean , my dad 's typical , sort of , get to the top of the hill and give you a good shove , you know , give you one time to go down a bit slowly and then after that you just get to the top ski downhill phhhh .
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