Example sentences of "looked across [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Breeze , with a small boy on either side of her , drew in breath after breath of the wonderful air , and looked across at the horizon , where sky and water met .
2 He read it three times , laid it down carefully on the desk , smoothed it out and looked across at the Chairman .
3 They stood on the banks and looked across at the blanket of fog coming from the river .
4 DeVore looked away thoughtfully ; looked across at the window wall and at the gathering in the garden room beyond it .
5 Li Yuan looked across at the pile of folders balanced on the far side of his father 's desk .
6 He turned and looked across at the valet .
7 Huy looked across at the Controller of the Silver Mines .
8 He set his glass down on the table and looked across at the bar .
9 He looked across at the hour candle on the table .
10 He looked across at the hour candle and saw it was growing late .
11 Now he looked across at the telephone .
12 She looked across at the scene as once again the actress ran and fell and the gunmen rose from the car wrecks where the nudes lay or sat reading aloud .
13 DeVore took his eye from the lens of the electron-microscope and looked across at the geneticist , smiling , impressed by what he 'd seen .
14 But none of this disturbed my mind or my body as I looked across at the girl in the coffee bar .
15 His cup drained , he looked across at the girl again .
16 The T'ang smiled sadly , then looked across at the boy .
17 Tolonen looked across at the boy , trying to see him as Spatz saw him ; as he himself had first seen him , before he had seen the films that demonstrated the boy 's abilities .
18 She looked across at the film star , not with a great deal of pity .
19 I walked to the end of the pier and looked across at the island .
20 So now Theodora looked across at the Inspector , wondering just how much she was prepared to say to this man .
21 Gedanken looked across at the dock .
22 The TV presenter looked across at the sergeant , as though registering his presence for the first time .
23 She stood still and looked across at the beer tent , shading her eyes .
24 He looked across at the Woman , so that she could share his smile , but she did not smile .
25 He stopped his horse and looked across at the friar .
26 Tom stopped at the corner where the shop stood and looked across at the Fire Station .
27 They looked across at the railway station .
28 She left the tow-path where it bore left round the sweep of the river which looked across to the Cathedral 's east end and peddled along the road .
29 He looked across to the lighthouse and saw nothing — only waves , and more waves .
30 She ran back through the kitchen and down the steps into the lower scullery , but when she came out by the back door and looked across to the wall , Tristram was not be seen .
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