Example sentences of "ran [pos pn] fingers [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I went over and ran my fingers over the length of the flexor tendons , feeling for signs of thickening .
2 She ran her fingers through the dark mass of her hair and let out a deep sigh .
3 Then she ran her fingers through the long strands of her hair , getting rid of the worst of the tangles and flicking it back from her face .
4 Sliding her hands round to his flat stomach , she lightly ran her fingers through the hair arrowing down from his navel and he gave a long shudder .
5 As she strolled past the shop windows she ran her fingers through the short layered style that the hairdresser had said was made for her , and felt like someone else .
6 Cleo ran her fingers over the strings and a frail sound came out .
7 Trembling , she ran her fingers over the taut muscles of his chest , and feverishly explored the hard length of him .
8 She ran her fingers over the base , finding an unexpected bulkiness .
9 She ran her fingers over the tracery of pattern , following the curls and rings …
10 Juliet ran her fingers over the files in the trolley .
11 Bernice ran her fingers along the table top .
12 Finally , she grabbed hold of the dispenser 's cooling fin whilst it was waving a krill doughnut around in a vain attempt to attract custom , pulled it close and , in a casual and unremarkable manner , moved her hand down to the dispenser 's access plate and ran her fingers around the seam until she felt a magnetic bolt buzzing beneath her fingers .
13 Left alone with the car , Tod ran his fingers along the bodywork .
14 He crossed to the open storage cabinets and ran his fingers along the rows of simularity crystals ; her files , her notes , her diary .
15 He straightened the folds , and ran his fingers through the dead youth 's thick thatch of reddish-brown hair , up from the nape to the rounding at the back of the head , where that seam had rested , and surely helped to break the force of the blow .
16 Richard ran his fingers over the expensive-looking business card his secretary had just handed to him : ‘ Simon Middleton — Financial Consultant ’ , it read .
17 He avoided Alexei 's eyes , and ran his fingers over the grain of the layers of wood and horn which were compressed between the clamps .
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