Example sentences of "responsibility for the care [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , lack of good , affordable pre-school and out-of-school childcare , and responsibility for the care of elderly relatives and household chores means that part-time work often seems the only practical option .
2 Mankind is charged with responsibility for the care of creation as a steward is given charge over the property of another .
3 Despite this early re-appraisal only in 1971 did the responsibility for the care of the mentally handicapped move back to the local authorities , where it now remains .
4 They also take the primary responsibility for the care of children .
5 Anne who took full responsibility for the care of her husband , David , who had suffered a stroke , needed a rest for a couple of days a week as she was suffering from arthritis .
6 The primary nurse holds 24 hours , seven days a week responsibility for the care of these clients .
7 A consistent feature of unpaid caring , demonstrated by all the available detailed studies , is that once a particular relative has taken on the responsibility for the care of an elderly or handicapped person they get rather limited support , if any , from other relatives or friends .
8 Wherever the housewife-mother is , she retains the responsibility for the care of her children .
9 Grossing these responses up suggests that at least six million adults in Britain are carers and the majority , 75 per cent , are looking after a person aged 65 and over , 1.4 million adults provide care for more than 20 hours per week and 3.7 million have sole responsibility for the care of their dependant .
10 The ideal of an unrelated self is shown to be an ideal developed by people who have never been in the position of having primary responsibility for the care of children or the old .
11 Held , allowing the appeal , that once an order was made under section 31 of the Children Act 1989 placing a child in the care of a local authority , responsibility for the care of the child was firmly with the local authority and the family proceedings court could not retain a power of review over the care order by including directions ; and that , accordingly , the direction relating to the continued involvement of the guardian ad litem would be deleted ( post , p. 812B , G ) .
12 Under section 22(3) of the Children Act 1989 the local authority has the duty ‘ to safeguard and promote the welfare ’ of children in care and , in my judgment , responsibility for the care of the child is firmly with the local authority once a care order is made .
13 The prospect of handing over total responsibility for the care of the most vulnerable people in society to such local authorities was felt by some to be profoundly disquieting .
14 The General Household Survey 's special analysis of carers in 1985 ( Green , 1988 ) suggested that : 1.7 million adults are caring for someone living with them ; 1.4 million are spending at least twenty hours per week doing so ; and 3.4 million are bearing the main responsibility for the care of someone .
15 Do expectations about inheritance get linked with other responsibilities in families , for example , responsibility for the care of an elderly person ?
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