Example sentences of "increase [prep] the [noun sg] rate " in BNC.

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1 A marked increase in the survival rate for many nesting birds .
2 If the change in dividend credits creates an imbalance in the fund , the actuary may suggest an increase in the contribution rate .
3 Among the results of the changes were an increase in the conviction rate and a decrease in the rate of litigation .
4 The general conclusion which we have reached is that there is no clear evidence in any of the figures we have examined that the abolition of capital punishment has led to an increase in the homicide rate , or that its reintroduction has led to a fall .
5 One could instead increase mutation rates artificially : if doubling mutation rates doubled senescence , or if a slight increase in the mutation rate produced catastrophic senescence ( Box 2 ) , then this would suggest a substantial effect of mutation in the original population .
6 The 1989 glitch , like the 1975 one , caused a permanent increase in the slowdown rate , of a magnitude that is difficult to reconcile with current neutron star models .
7 Patrick Dunne , who heads the management buy-in unit , says research indicates a new wave of buy-in activity and the likelihood of an increase in the success rate .
8 A tightening labour market , coupled with higher productivity growth , was reflected in higher wage settlements ( in the first quarter of 1989 wages increased by an average 5.2 per cent — one point higher than the previous year ) , with the accompanying risk of an increase in the inflation rate .
9 This may well imply an increase in the participation rate beyond sixteen and prove an encouragement to students to work towards academic qualifications .
10 The 1857 Divorce Act , which removed divorce from church jurisdiction , did not result in a rapid increase in the divorce rate .
11 Changes in the aid given to poor petitioners in 1914 , together with the effects of World War I , produced an increase in the divorce rate after 1918 , but it was not until 1946 that legal aid became freely available and therefore not until 1951 that divorce petitions began to come from a cross section of the population .
12 But yet , the steady increase in the divorce rate over the last fifteen years or so is not the simple consequence of attending women 's studies classes .
13 In other words , the left-hand side of ( 17 ) shows the marginal benefit to the median member from a 1% increase in the wage rate , while the right-hand side of ( 17 ) shows the marginal cost , arising because higher wages reduce employment .
14 Beginning from a zero rate , a small increase in the tax rate will yield some tax revenue .
15 Although the numbers of such changes associated with moves are not large , and they can not account for more than a very small part of the differential in unemployment rates between the two groups , the sale of a large proportion of public housing to sitting tenants who are more likely to be employed than the general local authority sector population will have contributed to the increase in the unemployment rate differential referred to earlier .
16 When the employers refused the claim , a " largely-attended meeting " of the men unanimously decided to harden their line ( asking for an increase in the stab rate ) and to " tender notices " , i. e. to give notice of a strike on 1 November .
17 In 1997 a small number of experimental ‘ bail information schemes ’ successfully demonstrated that the provision of verified information enabled the Crown Prosecution Service to be more selective when opposing bail , as a result of which bail was granted more generously in those areas operating the scheme , without any increase in the failure rate ( Stone , 1989 ; Mair , 1999 ) .
18 The Minister of Cabinet Affairs and Administrative Development , Atif Ubayd , speaking in January 1990 about Egypt 's view on the IMF proposals of a devaluation of the Egyptian pound to boost exports and an increase in the interest rate to encourage savers , said that the amount proposed was " not justified and bigger than needed " , but added that Egypt was willing to reach a compromise agreement on both issues .
19 In order to influence the upward movement of interest rates generally , the Bank of England may force an increase in the interest rate in the bill market .
20 This meant an effective 14.3 per cent devaluation of the commercial exchange rate against Western currencies to US$1.00=kcs28 , but a 12 per cent increase in the tourist rate .
21 PSBR caused an increase in the proliferation rate at one week ( 0.70 v 0% ) .
22 The increase in the adult rate is £1 going up to £14 .
23 The strength of the association between the mortality and morbidity was given by the slope of this line , indicating how much sickness goes up for each point increase in the death rate .
24 New figures show an increase in the crime rate to one committed every six seconds .
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