Example sentences of "studies have suggested [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Two recent case-control studies have suggested that smoking might protect against gall stone disease .
2 Recent studies have suggested that matrix stimulated activation of specific albumin regulating factors will only occur when the matrix on which the cell is grown promotes a cuboidal differentiated cell morphology .
3 Several studies have suggested that delaying cord clamping protects against the respiratory distress syndrome , although others have failed to confirm or even refuted this .
4 Recent studies have suggested that omeprazole enhanced single antibiotic ( for example , amoxicillin , clarithromycin ) regimens combine a sufficient simplicity and low complications with high rates of bacterial eradication .
5 However , several studies have suggested that rehearsal may not be that important a factor ( Pillemer , 1984 ; Winograd & Killinger , 1983 ) .
6 Several studies have suggested that health visitors have a major role to play in screening and assessing the elderly ( Luker 1988 ; Vetter et al .
7 Several studies have suggested that HMG 1 and 2 facilitate transcription by binding to specific DNA conformations to create or preserve structures necessary for transcription initiation ( 48-53 ) .
8 How the various forms of nutritional colitis relate to ulcerative colitis ( UC ) is uncertain , but studies have suggested that metabolism of the short chain fatty acid butyrate is impaired in UC .
9 Studies have suggested that cigarette smoking may induce sperm abnormalities and thereby reduce male fertility .
10 Secretory tests may not be suitable , however , for assessing pancreatic function as preliminary studies have suggested that enzyme synthesis may be changed before changes in secretion are identified .
11 Similarly our own footprinting studies have suggested that actinomycin binding can be potentiated by flanking regions of ( GT ) n .
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