Example sentences of "as far [subord] the corner " in BNC.

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1 Then he strode away — but only as far as the corner of the hearing room , temporarily out of range of the television cameras .
2 When it was time for Rosie to leave , Ruth walked with her as far as the corner of the street .
3 I watched him as far as the corner of the curator 's garden , and saw him turn in alongside the hedge .
4 The box hedge is solid as a wall as far as the corner , but just round there it ends , and that short side is privet , and there 's a place in it where an old wicket 's been taken out , and the gap has n't grown in completely yet .
5 She could n't help thinking that Cara , who had been known to take the car to go as far as the corner shop to pick up a bottle of milk , would have folded long before this .
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