Example sentences of "can [adv] [adv] assume [that] " in BNC.

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1 Since we can not simply assume that the results from one bilingual setting must apply to all others too , we shall study two widely differing groups of bilingual children in the UK .
2 But we can not yet assume that Froggy Davies was murdered by , or on behalf of , either Martinez , Jefferson or Harley .
3 No such assumption can be made with non-experimental data ; if we compare non-experimental groups which vary on X , we can not automatically assume that they are alike in other respects .
4 I do n't think I have been fooled by artefacts , or overinterpreted my findings , though it is obvious even to me , let alone a critical outsider , that in fitting the data within a temporal cascade I have not formally proved all the necessary biochemical links ; some of my arguments have run dangerously close to the classical trap of assuming that post hoc implies propter hoc ; just because the phosphorylation step precedes the glycoprotein synthesis I can not automatically assume that the latter depends upon the former .
5 One needs a Porter-style analysis to discover exactly what type of investment and competitive strategy is needed to achieve or maintain market share or competitive position ; one can not just assume that any type of investment in capacity in areas of high market share will lead to future success .
6 They can not therefore assume that all genetically engineered products are dangerous unless proven otherwise .
7 We can not merely assume that our minds are so filled , but this must be treated as an object for empirical enquiry .
8 As regards persons who can safely be classified as employees , their employers can not safely assume that they will own the copyright in everything produced by those employees .
9 However , there are examples which show that we can not always assume that a property word will have a referential locus .
10 One can not necessarily assume that the operation of market principles per se will automatically lead to efficiency .
11 For example , if an employee writes a computer program to help with his work but he is not employed as a computer programmer , his job is not to write computer programs and an employer can not necessarily assume that he owns the copyright in that particular program .
12 Despite the safeguards in the Police and Crime Evidence Act 1984 in England , one can not complacently assume that all is well or at least that the service given by police surgeons could not be improved .
13 As we can be sure that Howard would have approved of the constructive use of prisoners ' time and energy and training in work habits , so we can probably also assume that he would have been disappointed in and disapproving of the latest trend .
14 On the evidence we have been considering so far , we can also safely assume that many more of these defendants will be given custodial sentences than would otherwise have been the case , and that the terms imposed will also be substantially longer in many cases .
15 Increasingly El Al finds it can no longer assume that people will choose to fly with it just because it is a Jewish airline .
16 We can no longer assume that because someone can do the job they can teach the skill .
17 We can no longer assume that the only proper music in church is that which is commonly called ‘ traditional ’ .
18 This means that garment workers in the Third World who benefited from the search for cheap labour by the TNCs in the past , can no longer assume that their jobs will always be safe from relocation back to the First World ( Elson , in Elson and Pearson , 1989 ) .
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