Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] redundant [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Of a pre-abolition of more than 9,300 registered dockers , some 70 per cent have been declared redundant under the Dock Labour Compensation Scheme at a cost to the British Tax payer of about £150 million ( 2 ) .
2 Six people have been made redundant at its European Headquarters in Egham , Surrey and two sales staff have gone from its office in Munich already .
3 In the past , some of Britain 's best known defence contracters have provided secure long term employment in the constituency , but thousands have been made redundant in the last two years .
4 FIGURES which show that more than 300,000 manufacturing workers have been made redundant in the past two years , revealed a ‘ deepening jobs crisis ’ , one of Britain 's biggest unions said yesterday .
5 The latest losses mean that 305,344 manufacturing workers have been made redundant by more than 3,000 firms since February 1991 .
6 The only people who will go for a pub will be those who have been made redundant from their jobs and will consider taking leases .
7 However , if you have been made redundant from a skilled or semi-skilled job you are eligible .
8 But it was also the day an independent report suggested his defence cuts had led to far greater job losses than expected , especially in defence dependent areas like Gloucestershire where thousands have been made redundant from companies like Dowties and Smiths Industries .
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