Example sentences of "an obstacle to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Darlington MP Michael Fallon said he believed the clawback clause would be changed if it was seen as an obstacle to a deal .
2 Each of these may represent an opportunity or an obstacle to a group , and how well the group comes to terms with these constraints will , in turn , depend on the level of motivation possessed by the members , and on the degree to which they are able to work together .
3 In one very short and clear comment , President Yeltsin demolised all the arguments of the Labour party that somehow our deterrent is an obstacle to the reduction of the nuclear arms of the super-powers .
4 That Castro had come to regard the Centre-Left as an obstacle to the course he wanted the revolution to pursue was made clear on 19 October , when he warned , ‘ It would be better if those who prefer to remain on the borderline in these hours … become enemies ; that is , they would do more damage as companions than enemies ’ ( Hoy ( newspaper of the PSP ) , 21 October 1959 , p. 3 , in González : 1968 , p. 51 ) .
5 As a result social class can act as an obstacle to the motivation of talent .
6 Given that many of these theories require extremely detailed specifications of grammar rules and lexical entries this has for a long time formed an obstacle to the production of general systems .
7 Mrs Thatcher also believed that the publicly owned industries were inefficient and an obstacle to the creation of a more dynamic and adaptive economy .
8 Executive Job Clubs have been set up , but for many they are havens of retreat where preconceptions can be themselves an obstacle to the need for change .
9 I would suggest that a sexual problem might best be defined as an obstacle to the satisfaction of sexual need — that need which arises in us partly from innate instinct and urge , partly from the circumstances of any given time , and which is tempered by our personal upbringing and development , our moral outlook and the social norms to which we subscribe .
10 Despite the significant number of labouring poets who published through the century , Hands assumed that her social position would constitute an obstacle to the acceptance of her work .
11 The natural history of cervical cancer among older women is uncertain , but ‘ that little is known about the natural history of cancer of the cervix does not seem to have been an obstacle to the introduction of screening programmes for younger women . ’
12 It may finally be noted that the presence of a " synonymous " word-pair within a parallelistic couplet may not necessarily form an obstacle to the parallelism of greater specificity .
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