Example sentences of "an array [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hence , the program 's search space is an array with integers for subscripts .
2 Of the mammalian orders , the insectivores , the ungulates , the Cetacea , the carnivores , and others , each comprises an array of forms of which every one is adapted to a particular habitat with a mode of life enabling it to live and reproduce there .
3 He could sit in his palace like the sun at the nodal point of an array of beams of light .
4 Similarly , there is an array of products for producing the body beautiful , a tall elegant figure disdainful of practical or even biological constraint .
5 DoH attempts to secrecy only added to the mystique and it was n't long before the Support Force and Butler collected an array of nicknames with the £hit-squad ’ being the most polite .
6 She had dutifully done so and together they had selected an array of clothes in the deep greens and blues , the rich wine shades that Thomas said best set off her porcelain skin and burnished hair .
7 Over the years Mr Slade , from his home at Weekfield Farm , Exton , Dulverton , Somerset , has accounted for an array of wins with Dutch Texel-sired entries in carcass competitions at national primestock shows .
8 The following year Brando and Clift were just two of an array of stars in the big-scale war film The Young Lions , but did not appear together .
9 I two dimensions the problem of an array of elements of one material embedded in another has attracted attention because of its relevance to fibre reinforcement .
10 The only surprising thing about Hooker 's hit-single spawning album is that , after all these years , he can render the title track in a fashion that 's unbelievably fresh , though some of the credit for this particular achievement must be down to guitarist Jimmie Vaughan , who delivers an array of licks in a manner that must have Stevie Ray beaming way up in plectrum heaven .
11 In the fourth company , the planning department produces an array of issues in a ‘ strategic statement ’ at the start of the planning cycle .
12 However , this one makes it by virtue of it being an array of versions of General Levy 's fine ‘ Heat ’ rhythm .
13 VARIOUS : ‘ '60s Beat ’ 40-track compilation featuring an array of hits from the fab decade including tracks from The Beatles , Herman 's Hermits , Lovin' Spoonful , Amen Corner , The Troggs and Procul Harum — out now
14 It will introduce conventional and unconventional ways of building , has an array of stands to interest those refurbishing and renovating existing properties and demonstrations of the latest technical advances .
15 It was n't long before the Support Force and Butler collected an array of nick-names with the hit-squad being the most polite
16 Now that Santa 's grottos have been dismantled , and the inflatable reindeer packed away , many garden centres are stocking the shelves with an array of aids to instant wildlife gardening .
17 If we look at an array of words as a self-referential order , we may abstract certain regularities , such as rules of grammar , sentence construction , statistics on the relative frequencies of various letters , words , etc .
18 In the interior is Parler 's original vaulting with two pendant keystones , the remaining furnishings dating from 1730 , and an array of portraits of the archbishops of Prague .
19 He strapped his patients to a table and wielded an array of tools with practised precision and dexterity .
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