Example sentences of "an exchange of letters [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In an exchange of letters with lay critics of the Royal Society of Chemistry-s award of a fellowship to the ‘ world-ranking scientist and academician ’ , J. S. Gow , the Society 's Secretary-General , had tried to distance it from the Romanian laureate .
2 He was to pay tribute to Kingsmill after his death in an exchange of letters with Malcolm Muggeridge , published as About Kingsmill ( 1951 ) , and recalled what had been the deepest friendship of his life between the lines of Johnson and Boswell ( 1958 ) , the last book written at the height of his powers .
3 An exchange of letters with Sir Denis Rooke then followed , and in December the Council basically affirmed the importance of institutional visits as the means by which the CNAA built up a picture of institutions and enabled it to exercise its responsibilities , and asked the Working Party on Partnership in Validation to give consideration to the form such visits should take .
4 Details of Lord Young 's involvement emerge in an exchange of letters between him and Professor Smith on July 12 , 1988 — two days before he made his announcement to the House of Lords of the Rover sale .
5 This hare has been aroused by an exchange of letters between Donald Riegle , chairman of the Senate banking committee , and the SEC 's ambitious chairman , Richard Breeden .
6 Eupolemus , who was Judas Maccabaeus ' envoy to Rome in 161 B.C. , composed a work in which one could read an exchange of letters between the twelve-year-old Solomon and his client kings Vaphres of Egypt and Suron of Tyre ( Eusebius , Praep .
7 Appendices A and B will be kept up-to-date regularly by an exchange of letters between the Secretariat of ABI with various other parties to the Agreement .
8 The Security Council debate had been preceded by a series of statements by and an exchange of letters between de Klerk and Mandela in which each stated their terms for the resumption of constitutional talks .
9 In an exchange of letters in January , tensions rose so high that the leaders of the two sides are no longer talking to each other .
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