Example sentences of "or whether [pron] [is] simply " in BNC.

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1 What remains uncertain is whether consciousness is a separate phenomenon which needs explaining , like language or vision , or whether it is simply an attribute of certain neural processes in the same way as high reflectance is an attribute of the piece of paper you are looking at while you read this , something which is simply part of the physical characteristics of the brain or the paper .
2 HOW Will I know whether I have been regressed or whether it is simply my imagination working overtime ?
3 Greg son ( 1987 : 5 ) asks ‘ whether locality can be approached as an object of study in its own right or whether it is simply another term for the case study method ? ’
4 We will discover whether there is a real commitment or whether it is simply words which they hope that the Scottish public will forget were ever uttered so that in the fullness of time they can shunt the companies off to the private sector to do with them as it will .
5 Whether we avoid certain foods because God has told us to , or whether it 's simply because of the E numbers ; whether our purification rituals are there to chase out demons in the name of spiritual purity , or germs in the name of hygiene … we all have a sense that beyond the boundaries of our lives lurks Chaos .
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