Example sentences of "his mind [unc] eye [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In his mind 's eye there was dawning a picture of this Carrie .
2 In his mind 's eye he saw them together in the brass-ended bed , his lovely Sweetheart with her silky hair and creamy-white skin , and beside her the grinning Tom Fish with one more cruel weapon to use against a little boy .
3 In his mind 's eye he relived their love-making of a few hours before and the picture of Michael lying underneath him as he penetrated him rose in his mind .
4 In his mind 's eye he saw it boring its way into the earth , down , down , until it reached his brother 's face .
5 In his mind 's eye he sees a girl who has brains ( although he knows that some very dim actresses can read with all the appearance of intelligence , and the converse ) who has a slight resistance to the Hollywoodification of Claudia 's life .
6 In his mind 's eye he saw a faceless man marching over the child 's body .
7 He had burned it himself on the fire he had made against the fruit-garden wall and it might be that no copies of it existed , yet in his mind 's eye it recreated itself , the child for ever stilled , its face a waxen mask , the old doctor haggard with sorrow and lack of sleep , the mirror no breath had misted held in his hand , the parents in each other 's arms .
8 As he peered through his mind 's eye it seemed rather that the deepest water changed into a different type of material which sank down and down forever , tossed by its own fierce storms , swayed by its own currents that were swifter than any ocean 's — until far off elsewhere there surfaced from this immaterium yet other seas of life , which were other worlds .
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