Example sentences of "but it is doubtful [subord] " in BNC.

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1 One might be able to construct a law which penalized only those batteries which cause , or are likely to cause , significant annoyance , but it is doubtful whether the insertion of a ( necessarily vague ) standard would alter the nature of the problem .
2 Longer sentences may be applauded by some , but it is doubtful whether they will make any significant contribution to the protection of women .
3 The motel-supermarket-hamburger civilization has now been superimposed on what was left of nineteenth-century towns , and has further worn down the differences between one region and the next , but it is doubtful whether the mass mind or the mass man has yet come to pass , except to the extent that people always conform to a prevailing style while it lasts .
4 When a blacksmith grows big muscles , he makes more of certain kinds of proteins , but it is doubtful whether he makes any new ones .
5 In fact , the film was set in the 1950s , but it is doubtful whether any but a few of the millions who watched the film appreciated that life in a mental hospital is any different today .
6 But it is doubtful whether they would have had any opportunity even to attempt that massive task if the years of the War had not profoundly changed public attitudes , and even softened the mind if not the heart of that great enemy of education and old boy of Harrow , Winston Churchill .
7 The report calls on boards to ‘ give precedence to substance over form' , in applying and interpreting the code , but it is doubtful whether companies realise that this could be the last chance for self-regulation .
8 But it is doubtful whether Edward embarked on war in 1337 specifically in pursuit of his claim to the French throne .
9 The chevauchèe may have been seen as a challenge to the enemy 's pride and ability to defend his territory , but it is doubtful whether the leader of a chevauchèe , often at the head of but a few thousand men , and needing to make the expedition profitable through the taking of booty and prisoners , was seeking battle .
10 On paper , the Woodville empire is impressive , but it is doubtful whether it can be considered an independent power base .
11 The Conservatives did not increase these allowances , but it is doubtful whether many voters were influenced to change their allegiances on this issue .
12 A European political union is perhaps in the making but it is doubtful whether a European political union would act as a superpower — the task of co-ordinating military efforts , of ‘ speaking with a single voice ’ , may not even be worth attempting .
13 He was paid as such down to 1287 and in 1290 was still in possession of a key to the Jewish treasury , but it is doubtful whether he actually acted as a justice for most of this period , since in February 1283 he was appointed to the full-time position of escheator of England south of Trent .
14 But it is doubtful whether many Greeks were taken in by such propaganda .
15 It may be standard practice in France for one state enterprise to give to another large sums of money when one of them is in financial trouble ; but it is doubtful whether private undertakings would have considered this particular transaction as ‘ normal ’ .
16 On paper , the Woodville empire is impressive , but it is doubtful whether it can be considered an independent power base .
17 Mistake does appear occasionally in expert clauses as a circumstance in which the expert 's decision would not be binding , but it is doubtful whether express words to that effect alter the principle implied by the court : see 13.11 .
18 For certain there will be changes , but it is doubtful if there will ever be such a long line of devoted , generous and hardworking people as those who served the Club so enthusiastically in immensely difficult times , and saved it from certain closure for the likes of ourselves to enjoy .
19 In Chichester Harbour the highest count recorded until 1961 was of 1,550 birds in February 1959 , but it is doubtful if any counts covering the entire estuary were made before 1966 .
20 He maintains that their attraction is based on modern society being too materialistic , but it is doubtful if Western man is any more materialistic today than in Roman or Victorian times .
21 Parliament duly emerged , at the end of the seventeenth century , ‘ sovereign ’ in this sense , but it is doubtful if , in doing so , the claim was being formulated in its full , modern sense .
22 In 1636 Mersenne made a series of tests on wires of different materials but it is doubtful if any use was made of the information .
23 It was certainly used in medieval times but it is doubtful if it is prehistoric , even though traces of Bronze Age and Iron Age fields lie on either side of it .
24 But it is doubtful if the problem can or should be solved with spending cuts alone .
25 But it is doubtful if the problem can or should be solved with spending cuts alone .
26 But it is doubtful if this argument will lead to any exceptions being made in an orchestrated campaign which could hit projects such as the proposals for a power plant which British Gas said yesterday it had negotiated with Bahrain .
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