Example sentences of "'s visit to the united " in BNC.

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1 In 1973 , during Brezhnev 's visit to the United States , an agreement on the prevention of nuclear war was signed together with a set of basic principles relating to the further limitation of strategic nuclear weapons ; and in November 1974 Brezhnev and Nixon 's successor , Gerald Ford , signed a series of related agreements at Vladivostok .
2 Hawke 's visit to the United Kingdom on June 20-23 was aimed at reinvigorating relations between the UK and Australia , both leading members of the Commonwealth with strong historical ties .
3 On March 20 , during President Lech Walesa 's visit to the United States , President Bush promised a 70 per cent cut in Poland 's $2,900 million official debt to the USA .
4 When it was first announced on April 26 , Pinochet 's visit to the United Kingdom had caused protests from Labour members of parliament who recalled the human rights abuses of the general 's period of rule from 1973 to 1990 .
5 The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader , His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso , the 14th Dalai Lama , met with US President Bush in Washington on April 16 [ see p. 38097 for Dalai Lama 's visit to the United Kingdom in March ] .
6 The issue was raised again during Kohl 's visit to the United States in May 1991 [ see pp. 38199-200 ] .
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