Example sentences of "are to be congratulated [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Too many ‘ conservationists ’ fail to appreciate the value of captive studies and even of management in disturbed habitats — all approaches are very valuable , but the protection of adequate areas of natural habitat is paramount , These approaches , and the critical plight of South-East Asian wildlife , are well summarised in the epilogue ; Dutch primatologists are to be congratulated on their initiative in this venture ,
2 ‘ All are to be congratulated on this splendid effort , ’ she said .
3 Like the ME-6 the parameters can be selected and changed in seconds , and BOSS are to be congratulated on this .
4 Himalayan Kingdoms are to be congratulated on organising the first commercial British expedition to an 8000m peak , but Alan Hinkes does not tell us enough in his article Broad Peak in the June issue .
5 Reference Recordings of San Francisco are to be congratulated on persuading the composer himself to conduct for a stunningly recorded disc that fills so many shocking gaps in the catalogue .
6 The panel on doctrine are to be congratulated on their wise handling of the response of presbyteries and kirk sessions to the proposed new statement of faith .
7 Editor , — A Esmail and S Everington are to be congratulated on their study of racial discrimination against doctors .
8 ‘ But the difference now is that the profits go back into the game and the WRU are to be congratulated on their decisions to tap in to the funds that are available . ’
9 Centres are to be congratulated on their hard work in putting together such an excellent array of courses .
10 SVR are to be congratulated on the recently opened station buildings at Kidderminster and indeed on the whole of their operation .
11 While no-one likes to see anyone lose his job the Glentoran Board are to be congratulated on having been decisive at such a vital time for the club .
12 Meanwhile , Harp Lager who have been behind the new building all along , are to be congratulated on their commitment to Down Royal and also for making sure that the flagship of racing on the track , the Ulster Harp Derby , has been boosted financially as well as given a new look .
13 A great deal of the success is in the way in which the contract has been handled , and all staff are to be congratulated on a thoroughly professional job in trying and often fraught conditions .
14 But facilites apart , we all enjoyed ourselves , and John Taylor and the organising committee are to be congratulated on running the rally so efficiently .
15 Chairman , I would just like to add that er you and the Town Clerk are to be congratulated on this achievement
16 NUCLEAR Electric and the Hartlepool power station management are to be congratulated on their openness in reporting in their newsletter No 123 that a back-up cooling pump had failed a routine test because a fuel inlet was found to be isolated .
17 Hillhouse assistant site manager Ian Henderson said : ‘ This award is the culmination of a lot of hard work by all the team and they are to be congratulated on bringing their quality assurance scheme to the high standard recognised by this presentation . ’
18 This diversity and range was nowhere better demonstrated than in our six prestigious national lectures : The first of these lectures having been held in Sheffield , this second was held in Tynemouth and Bill Oakes , Chairman , Northern Section , and his committee are to be congratulated on the 200-plus members and guests that came to hear what Alan had to say .
19 Groups in our society such as Friends of the Earth , Greenpeace and the Green party are to be congratulated for the energetic way they are drawing our attention to the issues involved .
20 Bill Rear has captured the passing years on this line perfectly and his publishers are to be congratulated for allowing him the space in which to present his work .
21 The auditors of many of the recent VFM reports of the National Audit Office ( NAO ) are to be congratulated for tackling some rather contentious issues and presenting their findings in such an informative manner .
22 That has not been the attitude of David Houghton or his group , and they are to be congratulated for that .
23 Staff are to be congratulated for the way they accepted the move , and on their commitment to making the new arrangements work .
24 Save The Children are to be congratulated for the part they played in securing the nineteen eighty nine United Nations convention on the rights of the child .
25 The first three students from our new training course took the Medau Teachers ' Examination on 23rd November 1985 and all three are to be congratulated for passing with ‘ flying colours ’ .
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