Example sentences of "play a part [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The past also played a part at the Communist Party 's congress .
2 Goria , a former prime minister , resigned over persistent rumours he played a part in the 1976 collapse of a small bank in the northern town of Asti .
3 From 1567 this house belonged to Sixt of Ottersdorf who , as Chancellor of the Old Town , played a part in the anti-Habsburg uprising of 1547 .
4 Its small size suggests that it was a so-called ‘ satellite ’ pyramid which probably played a part in the ritual entombment of the pharaoh , although the lack of remains found in satellite pyramids have made it difficult to determine their function .
5 This must surely indicate that the site played a part in the Roman advance into the Welsh marches , and that the town owed its origins to an early military presence .
6 So chance played a part in the mass murder , did it ?
7 One of the mechanisms postulated to play a part in the anti-tumour effect of cimetidine is immunomodulation mediated by the inhibition of suppressor T cell activity , an increase in interleukin 2 production inhelper T cells , and an enhancement of natural killer cell activity .
8 Such a connection between newspapers and political parties is only to be expected ; newspapers have traditionally wished to play a part in the political system and have never been reluctant to express a view ( ‘ The Sun says ’ ) on the ways of the world .
9 However , it seems that the technology is not right at the moment in economic terms to fill the gap and to play a part in the crucial current round of negotiations in which the future of the coal industry in the next three to four years is the most important issue .
10 The churches need to be able to play a part in the moral education of people , in so far as it is possible , and one way is through schools .
11 Defective cell adhesion has long been thought to play a part in the invasive and metastatic behaviour of neoplastic cells .
12 If a teacher at the time of appointment has agreed to play a part in the larger framework and in the long-term plan for a school , the head will after a time weigh up the capacity of the new colleague to add his or her contribution to the larger task .
13 The significance of an offer of compensation is that it may be taken as a token of the defendant 's remorse , and that it redresses the private loss of the victim , and to that extent and no other it plays a part in the sentencing exercise .
14 Platelet activating factor plays a part in the mucosal injury of the gastrointestinal tract in anomals .
15 Every person each plays a part in the familial deterioration , but no one can , ‘ help the things life has done to us .
16 Although stratospheric ozone losses following volcanic eruptions are generally attributed to the presence of sulphate aerosol , we present model calculations which demonstrate that gas-phase sulphur chemistry may have played a part in the tropical ozone perturbations that followed the Pinatubo eruption .
17 EVERYONE who has played a part in the remarkable reduction in the number of deaths due to drink-driving deserves to be congratulated .
18 Its leader was Miloš Obrenović , a man who had played a part in the Karadjordje revolt , but who had remained in Serbia when many of the leaders of the first rising had fled across the river to Austrian territory .
19 I would like to emphasize that erm the Greater York authorities have n't lightly arrived at erm the strategy for a new settlement , er we have been driven to it by a very careful examination of the development possibilities , firstly around the edge of York , and secondly around the various villages , we know these areas erm intimately from our day to day planning work , and on two occasions , once in connection with the Greater York study , and secondly in connection with drawing detailed greenbelt boundaries we have tramped around the edges of all these settlements and looked very carefully at the possibilities for development , erm the possibilities have been taken up in the development equation , which the County Council has put in front of you , which does still include er some development around villages and around the edge of the city without harming greenbelt , but we do n't really think we can go much further , and that 's what has driven us to the conclusion that er a new settlement must play a part in the longer term development equation for Greater York .
20 At several sites surprising species such as centuary ( Centaurium erythraea ) and red bartsia ( Odontites verna ) , more associated with the countryside , play a part in the early stages of succession .
21 These data suggest that calcium fluxes play a part in the normal functioning of the rectum and colon and imply potential use in the treatment of this disease .
22 Many other factors — anatomical , behavioural and social — play a part in the continuing survival of the mountain goat .
23 It is important that UK companies play a part in the legislative process .
24 Finally , important solution forms are to be found in the Red Sea , a region of such aridity that the possibility of fresh water playing a part at the present time can be ignored .
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