Example sentences of "much [adv] [adj] than it [be] " in BNC.

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1 If exchange relationships were based totally on unscrupulous self-interested behaviour , the resulting distrust and the cost of legal action to enforce contracts would render market coordination much less efficient than it is in the presence of trust built up through networks and embedded social expectations that contracts will be honoured .
2 Once waste is solidified , it is much less dangerous than it is when blowing about in the air or dissolved in water .
3 Equally , science would be much less advanced than it is if the only available data were intuitive estimates of quantities .
4 There is generally little intermarriage between the Central Asians and other non-Muslim nationalities , and a knowledge of Russian is much less common than it is elsewhere in the other post-Soviet republics .
5 In previous generations it was much less likely than it is now that grandparents would have lived to know their grandchildren as adults ( see chapters 2 and 3 ) .
6 The scene is much more complex than it was say a generation or two ago and Moderator we in the Church of England should be much interested to learn in due course whether you too will feel a need to make liturgical revision for these various paths to faith .
7 For many patients with cancer , the prospect of long-term survival without recurrence is much more uncertain than it is , say , for infections , such as tuberculosis or cholera .
8 The youth component of that crime is much more substantial than it was , according to all the figures .
9 At the beginning of the year , however , the trend argument was much more plausible than it is today .
10 In accounting for the curious distortion of the doctrine that has taken place in England , it is clear that this can not be explained by the mere presence of constitutional arrangements based on a separation of powers or it would be much more prevalent than it is .
11 Clearly there can be no real risk or toxic shock syndrome would be very much more common than it is .
12 Like most villages , Lund in past times was much more self-sufficient than it is now , with its own grocers , shoemakers , tailors and the like and , during the 19th century , a second public house , the Speed the Plough .
13 Volcanoes emit very large concentr very large amounts of hydrochloric acid as a gas H C L gas and earlier in the earth 's history volcanic activity was much , much more widespread than it is now and during this period vast amounts of H C L were emitted .
14 Had she been asked , Britain would have said that she thought " dissolution " was much further off than it was in the mind of the tsar .
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