Example sentences of "i ca [not/n't] [adv] say " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't honestly say I really miss …
2 ‘ But I felt less affection and respect for you when I said it then , than I do at this minute , when I ca n't honestly say it .
3 I ca n't honestly say .
4 I ca n't honestly say that up to now I 've thought that much about it .
5 ‘ No , I ca n't honestly say it has , ’ she agreed , her voice also non-committal .
6 ‘ And , having met some of you now , I ca n't honestly say I blame her .
7 I ca n't honestly say that it 's been a pleasure , but it has been an experience … one I most definitely do n't want to repeat ! ’
8 Yo you did n't put will have been confirmed in there but you want it in there now and then you put SATS bracket external test , extern , I ca n't even say it , and now you wan na put external test bracket SATS !
9 Mal and Steve and Alan and Joyce and and Gloria and oh , I ca n't even say the name and Keith and Anne .
10 A , an annual gay party in Sidney , B , a oh I ca n't even say that word , hang on
11 I ca n't rightly say , ’ came the guarded response .
12 I ca n't really say about that , ’ she said , ‘ but — ’ launching into a text learned by heart — ‘ although guilty of many deviations from Marxism-Leninism and Socialist legality , Stalin did lead the heroic resistance of the Soviet peoples in the anti-Fascist war . ’
13 ‘ I do n't want to make a big thing about holing myself up in the middle of nowhere , but people are asking me where I 've been and I ca n't really say I 've been touring the Far East or helping Bob ( we think he means Dylan — Ed ) with his album .
14 So I ca n't really say we 've written to the MP can we ?
15 No , I ca n't really say .
16 Erm I w I , I ca n't really say whether I feel it 's changed a great deal because before I , before I was n't really very closely involved
17 So I ca n't really say .
18 So I , I ca n't really say my school days were the happiest days , they certainly were n't .
19 They just do nt seem to be sharp enough or is it that midfield are n't providing good service — I ca n't really say as I 've seen none of the games , just read reports .
20 They were both enjoyable erm I ca n't really say which I enjoyed the most er , I thought they were both very good and of course good value for the money because they do n't charge very much for the fares well I do n't think they do .
21 I ca n't really say any more as to how they themselves have come to come to their particular judgement , but that is the judgement of the members .
22 I ca n't really say it .
23 And I sort of said , Well you know I ca n't really say obviously cos I 'm not Rachel .
24 ‘ I 'm sorry , you know I ca n't possibly say anything . ’
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