Example sentences of "was widely expected to be " in BNC.

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1 Chuter was widely expected to be offered the new position , and Spracklen believes that his offer to take it on unpaid was ‘ an embarrassment ’ to the ARA .
2 Nevertheless , although possessing a less extensive grant of power , the Commission was widely expected to be the dynamic element in further moves towards integration .
3 Gamsakhurdia 's term was to last only until direct presidential elections which the Supreme Soviet scheduled for May 26 , but he was widely expected to be returned to office .
4 In December he supported the formation of a new Moslem organization ( the Association of Moslem Intellectuals ) , which united a broad spectrum of Moslem interests and was widely expected to be the basis of support for his candidacy in 1993 [ see p. 37919 ] .
5 Also replaced in the ensuing Cabinet reshuffle was Petroleum Resources Minister Jibril Aminu , who was widely expected to be a candidate in the presidential elections scheduled for Dec. 5 .
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