Example sentences of "it [is] extremely unlikely that " in BNC.

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1 The bolting is clearly against the BMC 's policy and I think it is extremely unlikely that the BMC 's committee of management will accept any kind of amendment to that policy .
2 ‘ It is something required by the highway authority and is purely a legal classification ’ , he said , and ‘ it is extremely unlikely that any roads used as public paths would ever be considered as anything else than they are now ’ said Mr. Higerty .
3 Of course it is extremely unlikely that EVERYONE will start loving the Jesus way , but that 's no reason why YOU should n't start .
4 It is extremely unlikely that if the House of Lords did not exist it would be invented in its present form .
5 It is extremely unlikely that there will be any difficulty — at a general election the returns to the writs will have identified the winners and , nowadays , the oath is unlikely to present any problems , although it has in the past .
6 The codes are unique and it is extremely unlikely that a ‘ false ’ signal could be given or received .
7 Wordsworth 's ‘ swing to the Left ’ may be regarded as part of a general sympathy on the part of English intellectuals towards the French Revolution , and it is extremely unlikely that he was ever regarded as a leader of opinion .
8 It is extremely unlikely that legislation will result from this .
9 If , for example , the rugs in a sale belong to a number of different vendors , it is extremely unlikely that they will be allowed to exchange an item owned by one owner for something owned by another .
10 It is extremely unlikely that it would have done so because everyone at the ports authority had always envisaged a 24-hour operation .
11 Unless safeguards of pension rights are written into the Bill now , it is extremely unlikely that those rights will be safeguarded subsequently .
12 This distinction has to be made because , although loans may be redeemed over 60 years , it is extremely unlikely that a financing instrument could be found which would mature in 60 years ' time .
13 It is extremely unlikely that the top of the Bacchanalian at its type locality will exactly correspond with the base of the Machiavellian in its home ground .
14 However , it is extremely unlikely that the increase in the budget will equal the value of the grant : for it to do so would suggest that the recipient would spend everything on this good .
15 However the constraints are such that without new legislation it is extremely unlikely that this is an option open to the Catholic sector .
16 It must be said , however , that it is extremely unlikely that a clearing bank would announce a change in this way without first getting the view of the Bank as to the desirability of the change at that particular time .
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