Example sentences of "it [be] not inconceivable that " in BNC.

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1 And it is not inconceivable that Lloyd Davies , Adrian 's brother , who won a rugby Blue in December , could follow a family precedent , this time at right-back .
2 According to North , it is not inconceivable that such an oscillating striking device , triggered at suitably chosen intervals by a hydraulic clock , pointed the way to the first mechanical escapement proper .
3 It is not inconceivable that a government would wish to render all strikes criminal .
4 It is not inconceivable that other organisations would become relevant in the future if I fell ill , but I like to assume that I am not going to fall seriously ill .
5 Merlin was soon known for his fantastic mechanical automata , and it is not inconceivable that Tylney met him at one of the many masquerades then all the rage in London .
6 It is not inconceivable that the USSR would exchange the known perils of peace for the uncertainties of war if the perils of peace were serious enough .
7 It is not inconceivable that Merewalh was the son of a sister of Penda .
8 Though Caedwalla remained unbaptized until after his abdication as king in 688 , it is not inconceivable that he approached Wilfrid in such a capacity , and certainly by the time of his abdication Caedwalla had resolved to seek baptism in Rome itself .
9 This could suggest a domestic crisis , for the Chronicle records immediately after that the aetheling , Ealdberht , whom Ine had exiled , went into Surrey and Sussex and it is not inconceivable that Ealdberht was either Ine 's son or the son of his brother , Ingild , who died in 718 , seeking recognition perhaps as Ine 's heir .
10 It is not inconceivable that a dedicated Marxist might be more interested in the long-term plan for the collapse of capitalism than in the survival of the corporation with which he works .
11 It is not inconceivable that his son Cnut was with him .
12 It is not inconceivable that the parts were doubled , thus involving six players , and perhaps a bassoon played the bass line while Hymen sang .
13 Their conduct could not have been so described because the court believed that despite its insolvency , it was not inconceivable that the business could have been returned to prosperity .
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