Example sentences of "is [adv] summed [adv prt] by " in BNC.

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1 This principle of inclusive fitness is perhaps summed up by the answer reportedly given by the distinguished biologist J. B. S. Haldane when asked in a bar whether he would lay down his life for his brother .
2 The Governor 's position is shrewdly summed up by one observer : ‘ A deal with Nkrumah and the CPP would give the British a breathing space , perhaps a long one . ’
3 The feelings of the copyright libraries when they hear these words is best summed up by Bodley 's Librarian himself :
4 The situation is well summed up by a community worker in the Creggan area of Derry , a city profoundly affected by these changes .
5 The consensus view , emerging from experimental psychologists in both America and Britain , is neatly summed up by Professor John Brown of Bristol University 's Psychology Department : traumatic amnesia aside , he said , ‘ there is no reliable evidence that you can remember under hypnosis what you ca n't remember normally . ’
6 The bumbling nature of armoured animals is neatly summed up by an anecdote concerning a family of three-banded armadillos .
7 What this implies is neatly summed up by a famous saying of W. I. Thomas ( 1966 ) : ‘ If men define situations as real , they are real in their consequences . ’
8 What it does say is neatly summed up by Bereiter ( 1980 ) : " the disappointing message of the Schools ' Council research is that as soon as we begin to look beyond syntax , vocabulary and the like and try to Investigate functional aspects of student writing , we begin to find out more about the school system than we find out about children . "
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