Example sentences of "it is [adv] [adv] clear " in BNC.

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1 It is however also clear that the concept of legitimate expectations , like many legal concepts , can be used in more than one way ; it does not have to be given a restrictive interpretation .
2 Energy has many forms — heat , electrical energy , mechanical energy , strain energy and so on — but it is not immediately clear that the surface of a solid has energy , merely by virtue of its existence as a surface .
3 While this distinction is obviously important to Poulantzas , it is not immediately clear that it helps him to unite structures and class practices as he intends .
4 Then Braque has capitalized on the element of ambiguity in the Demoiselles ( it is not immediately clear for instance whether the leg of the ‘ demoiselle ’ on the left is the far leg or the near leg , and the lower part of the twisted forearm of the squatting figure is left undefined ) as a means of emphasizing the flatness of the canvas he was working on : the far buttock of the Nu is connected to the foremost leg and heightened in tone so that it appears to stand in front of the nearer part of the figure ; if the outline of the neck were extended it would not join the shoulder naturalistically but pass by its outer edge , and the fact that the outline is deliberately broken allows the neck , shoulder and arm to flow into each other and fuse .
5 When one studies the literature one finds that , surprising as it may seem , the weight of legal opinion is in favour of the second view ; and it is not even clear what is the proper legal means that the Crown should use to establish misbehaviour before dismissing a judge .
6 It is not completely clear what the predictions of the literature on arousal and memory would be for this task .
7 It is not altogether clear why .
8 But it is not altogether clear what part dietary habits play .
9 But it is not wholly clear that the problem has disappeared .
10 It is not wholly clear that the Act has the effect intended for it .
11 In summary , it is not yet clear that a modification of the daily rhythms is a necessary requirement of treatment or that an abnormality of the body clock is the cause of the disorder .
12 Rulings made by the European Court of Justice now mean that pension schemes run by employers should not discriminate between men and women on grounds of age , but it is not yet clear what the consequences of these rulings will be .
13 We wish to preface our discussion of syndromes involving abnormal language development with the disclaimer that , while these categories may delineate separate psychiatric categories , it is not yet clear that each of these categories represents a unique type of linguistic disorder .
14 It is not yet clear why the activity becomes so much more pronounced as the nucleus is approached , although there are several possible explanations .
15 However , it is not yet clear that the use of a fixation stimulus does not introduce as many difficulties as it seeks to eliminate .
16 A number of explanations for these results are available , but it is not yet clear which explanations are correct .
17 It is not yet clear what kind of agreements the six republics might be able to reach about future co-operation , but they will certainly not be on the old basis .
18 But no link is suggested between them , and it is not yet clear what the point of the essay is .
19 But it is not yet clear what new job opportunities the development will mean .
20 It is not precisely clear why there should be this relationship , but fruit , in general , is more difficult to find than leaves , and requires an animal to range further afield to acquire it .
21 West — and in fact it is not unequivocally clear that this is so — that would not be a good reason for proclaiming the demise of regionalism as an issue .
22 It is not entirely clear what its Darwinian purpose is , but it certainly must have one , for the beavers expend so much time and energy to build it .
23 First , there is the lunch-break story ( though it is not entirely clear that this relates to the very last meeting : it might relate to 5 November ) .
24 It is not entirely clear what females gain from this choice , but there are several ideas .
25 Other sketchbooks contain swift pencil notations which correspond to oil paintings , although it is not entirely clear what function they served and whether Monet consulted them at any later stage in the evolution of his compositions .
26 It is not entirely clear why financial deregulation is taking place .
27 Of course , even if insider trading had some tendency to make the market smoother the benefit from that smoothness ( and it is not entirely clear why smooth gradual movements are preferable to sudden jumps ) might not be worth its cost .
28 In terms of the performance of the economy as a whole it is not entirely clear what the impact of regional disparities is , though it seems plausible that congestion in the south east and the under-utilisation of resources elsewhere represent a net loss to the economy overall .
29 In fact , there are grounds for suspecting that the conflict between static inefficiency and dynamic progressiveness is often more apparent than real , and , as we have seen , it is not entirely clear that cooperative R&D ventures significantly weaken those conflicts which do exist .
30 It is not entirely clear why the end of such features grows for a period and then is recurved back towards the coast .
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