Example sentences of "in his mind ['s] eye " in BNC.

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31 For a moment before it separates itself from its surroundings I catch a glimpse of its round eyes , beautiful but stupid , taking in the sight of a forty-three-year-old writer wearing shorts and a faded polo shirt , his face somewhat craggier than he sees it in his mind 's eye , his waist a little more solid and his eyes bright with the thoughts he is generating .
32 In his mind 's eye he sees a girl who has brains ( although he knows that some very dim actresses can read with all the appearance of intelligence , and the converse ) who has a slight resistance to the Hollywoodification of Claudia 's life .
33 The image in his mind 's eye was as sharp as ever .
34 Thomas saw Sara in his mind 's eye .
35 The sublime memory of that first descent into the moist , mossy darkness of the jungle earlier in the day blazed again suddenly in his mind 's eye for a moment , but then his numbness left him in a furious rush and a piercing surge of purity and sweetness flashed through the rank darkness of the hut .
36 He could see the big man in his mind 's eye even now , lifting Berdichev and breaking him .
37 As Tiguary announced the plan to the assembled chiefs , Dulé could see the scene in his mind 's eye : the fire licking up one mast , then leaping in the rigging to the other , snaking through the spars , then falling in sparks , and setting the decks to smouldering while sleepy men sloshed water about with the balers , yelling orders to one another , until , when the flames had lit up all the timbers and the ship blazed in a transparent lattice of spars and ribs , her defenders would fling themselves into the sea and the warriors would swoop out of the shallows and fall on them : it would be as easy as catching fish .
38 In his mind 's eye he saw a faceless man marching over the child 's body .
39 In his mind 's eye the epic narrator visualizes the personages and events that he is to describe , and sees them as something independent of and outside himself .
40 It was when he had pictured Morpurgo in his mind 's eye that it had occurred to him : such a trivial matter , yet nonetheless not right , not right at all — surely he must be mistaken .
41 They were too small and sleek , compared to the ones in his mind 's eye .
42 Course and landmarks were clear in his mind 's eye , Holy Island in clear reality below him .
43 He let it come erect , then looked at it , with Hannele in his mind 's eye simultaneously .
44 A true watchmaker has foresight : he designs his cogs and springs , and plans their interconnections , with a future purpose in his mind 's eye .
45 He 'd had thirty five years ' experience , he was looking at th and and in his mind 's eye putting the jigsaw puzzle into the van as it were to work out how much space it would take .
46 In his mind 's eyes Lexandro could no longer quite capture nor comprehend the essentially alien anatomy of his quondam sisters .
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