Example sentences of "and [verb] in [det] directions " in BNC.

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1 Their running was impeded by the mass of men coming out of the main doors and scattering in all directions , and heads down , they made their way between them to the back of the Naafi and into the rest room , which was empty ; and they were just in the process of taking off their wet top coats when the supervisor came in , saying , ‘ Oh , I 'm in luck ; I was about to send to the hut for help .
2 The insert ( 811 bp ) was subcloned into pBluescript KS II phagemid and sequenced in both directions using standard techniques ( 5 ) ( Figure 1A ) .
3 He spent some time climbing about and peering in all directions .
4 This being believes that he is able to look and measure in all directions , whereas his observations are really limited to directions contained in the two-dimensional surface .
5 And it was a you know it was a great happiness and release to shed a million other activities and flying in all directions thinking the acting was n't enough and I was n't enough for acting .
6 This was tough , ‘ pilled ’ in wear and stretched in all directions .
7 Huge amounts of information can now be compressed digitally and sent in both directions along television cables .
8 Although the piece is set in the ‘ Roaring ‘ 20's ’ , Cy Coleman 's music rarely goes into period style , but instead exploits a cod-operatic vein , going from Puccini to Piaf , with winks and nods in all directions , and superbly served by Madeline Kahn , who has the voice of a sarcastic diva and a vocal presence so strong that I felt I could see her .
9 Photocopied onto a heavy red A4 sheet of paper and folded in both directions .
10 Thorough preparation of the plot before sowing also say off those other perennial horrors , couch and horsetail , both of which can go down 6ft or more and spread in all directions .
11 But it came too late for him to do anything about it , for when he straightened up and turned towards the bank the bullet hit him in the chest and his body seemed to disintegrate and fly in all directions , and he knew that death was on him and that it was something that divided you into a million parts and each fragment screamed as it flung itself into eternity .
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