Example sentences of "of the actual [noun sg] rate " in BNC.

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1 It would be useful to have a measure of such bias that is independent of the actual hit rate .
2 The main reason why the long-run Phillips curve may have a negative slope is that workers may continue to suffer from money illusion in the long-run and so be prepared to accept money wage increases which fall short of the actual inflation rate .
3 It hopes this will give it a more accurate picture of the actual casualty rate .
4 However , the more usual way to represent it is not in terms of deviations of the actual unemployment rate from its natural rate but in terms of deviations of the logarithm of output , y , from its natural value , y * ; .
5 Instead of switching allegiance to the ‘ unscientific ’ or , worse still , the ‘ sociological ’ cost-push hypothesis , most economists have kept faith with the concept of a determinate NAIRU and have attempted to recast it in a way which would help to explain why NAIRU tends to track the path of the actual unemployment rate so closely .
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