Example sentences of "the honourable member for [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Finally if I can refer to the honourable member for Cardiff West , who wound up .
2 Mr. Frank Field : Following the suggestion of the honourable Member for Hendon , South ( Mr. Marshall ) , does the right Hon. Gentleman agree that last week 's meeting of the ecclesiastical committee and the legislative committee might point to a useful moral lead to be given by the commissioners ?
3 He was at the garden party on Guy Fawkes Night in 1938 when the honourable member for Stockton , Harold Macmillan , burnt Chamberlain in effigy , and he earned the thanks of Bob Boothby later the same evening when he happened upon him making love to Macmillan 's wife against a turkey-oak tree — and went deaf and blind .
4 But we er are welcoming the fact that there is a recognition of the rising population of Wales er in giving us this er this additional seat er primarily the additional population has not come in industrial South Wales which er er which er people think of perhaps as the most typically Welsh area , it 's actually in two counties of Clwyd and Dyfed that are erm growing most rapidly because of lifestyle migration , retirement migration erm into those two areas and that is why the additional seat , if you can put it that way , er takes from all the other four of course , is is the mid and West Wales seat which has been compared by the honourable member for Cornwall er tonight and it has only got a population of four hundred and one thousand but on the other hand of course it is such an extensive seat because the population sparsity in that area is much , much worse than even in Cornwall and therefore it is going to stretch from South of Milford Haven to the Llanrwst area really within probably twenty miles of the North Wales coast , it 's a who it 's the whole of two counties plus one additional very badly populated constituency erm in in the county of Gwynedd , an awkward constituency but one that we are certainly looking forward fighting and winning to give us the five out of five er now that er the boundaries are going through tonight and obviously it 's all in line really er to look at the other , the third order of course , the question of the registration of overseas voters in the nineteen ninety two election overseas voters had their first opportunity to participate in Westminster elections .
5 I 'm most grateful , erm , would he take the opportunity to repudiate the comments made by the honourable member for Perry Barr that we will not have erm an alien voting system inflicted upon this country , forced upon this country as he said erm by the institutions of the European community .
6 The honourable member for Perry Barn I 've again referred to what , part of what he said er but Gibraltar I have considerable amount of of sympathy with the remarks that he made .
7 I I 'm grateful Mr Deputy Speaker and I I will certainly er stay in order but the British electorate coming up to June the ninth and the European er elections will not know even if we pass these particular proposals tonight er in which constituencies they will be voting and if I may give an illustration as the honourable member for Truro did er er as far as his European constituency is concerned er the European constituency of Derbyshire Ashfield will d be divided into three different directions as the result of this particular order in council if we pass it tonight .
8 But can I refer to the honourable member for Truro er again he talked about P R , he thought that it would somehow , if we move that the there for this election it would save some time .
9 In his speech er in that debate the honourable member for Edinburgh central and the bench er in his place today , er welcomed the government 's acceptance of Sir Thomas ' and the select committee 's recommendation and agreed er that it was in his words , important that the statutory duty of auditors ought to be clear so that er to use his colourful phrase , if whistles are to be blown they 're to be blown without doubt .
10 Er , now the the point I really want to refer to is erm just what role an auditor ought to play er in the er insurance and financial service industry in looking at particular firms , erm I have several interests which the honourable member for Edinburgh central knows about , er the one that I think is relevant er to tonight is that I am an elected member of the insurance brokers registration council and the way that erm the way that we regulate insurance brokers erm is laid down by statute but it does actually demonstrate the advantage , the benefit of erm of having a statutory requirement for audit and for er a proper oversight of what then follows in terms of the way that the regulator reacts to what the auditor may say .
11 The point I I simply wanted to make which is why I I sat through the debate , erm is the honourable member for Edinburgh Central er in his er speech er which I I must say I did expect , called for stronger regulations , er we had the argument the other week about whether there should be statutory regulations or whether we should make er the er self regulation system that we have with financial services industries work .
12 when he 's been there a little while perhaps he can come with all the authority of a Euro MP and tell us the answer to his own question er , the honourable member for Ashfield er referred back to the positioning of the European parliament er where it should meet , there are three sites .
13 I 'm delighted to once again have the opportunity of following the honourable member for Southend in a debate about European matters .
14 But even if we agree this order tonight none of those issues will actually be clearly resolved er , there is a temptation and I regret that the honourable member for Southend succumbed to this , there 's a temptation to blem blame the French and the French government for this present state of uncertainty .
15 Finally , the Churchill patience snapped and , peering over his glasses at the hapless Opposition MP , he retorted : ‘ I am grateful for the opportunity to remind the Honourable Member for Dewsbury what a dirty dog does to a paling . ’
16 Erm , could I could I first of all start with some of the remarks made by the honourable member for Nottingham North .
17 Erm I think the bad news for the honourable member from Stafford is that er Messier Herman is in fact a member of the European peoples party and no doubt no the honourable member with great respect , said that he was a Christian democrat and he 's also a member of the European Peoples party and therefore I hope that the honourable member for Stafford will take that up with his Conservative colleagues , who are very closely connected to the European peoples party , because I hopefully have made clear earlier in my remarks .
18 Madam Deputy Speaker there is course another matter of er of er broader significance and that is that er whilst these orders er er er cover erm certain financial institutions , they do n't erm they do n't cover others , they do n't cover Lloyds of London in so far as I could see , erm I 'd half expected to see the honourable member for Gloucester West er in his place to pursue his campaign that apparently he er he he is not able to be here and indeed er others who sit on the benches opposite who lost a large sum of money in Lloyds , er but they might have had something to say about it as it does seem odd that Lloyds has not been covered , no doubt the minister would tell us that needs primary legislation and I I 'm quite sure this government would move heaven and earth not to introduce another Lloyds bill er because of er the problems that that would no doubt attract .
19 Last night , the Honourable member for Cirencester and Tewkesbury joined 5 fellow MPs in sleeping rough to raise awareness of the homelessness problem .
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