Example sentences of "per [unc] [noun sg] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty-six are ‘ vulnerable ’ , 14 are ‘ endangered ’ and four are ‘ critical ’ , with ‘ a 50 per cent probability of extinction within five years or two generations , whichever is longer . ’
2 This is one of the species that has ‘ a 50 per cent probability of extinction within five years or two generations , whichever is longer . ’
3 It conceals elements of cross-ownership , for instance , such as Murdoch 's 15 per cent ownership of shares in The Financial Times ' parent company .
4 He said that there was a 65 per cent chance of survival for liver transplant patients with complications in the hospital 's specialist unit and that the next 24 to 48 hours would be crucial .
5 Consider for example the proposition that the average human possesses one breast and one testicle , a grievous misapplication of statistics no doubt , but less of an affront to logic than the argument of the weather forecaster , seized on by John Allen Paulos : with a 50 per cent chance of rain on Saturday and a 50 per cent chance on Sunday , he declared , ‘ it looks like a 100 per cent chance of rain this weekend ’ .
6 C & w World has to pull together a huge number of companies under the umbrella of the parent group , including Hong Kong Telecom and an 80 per cent share of Mercury in the UK .
7 The UK has a 7 per cent of this market compared with a 5.5 per cent share of trade in goods .
8 Parties had to exceed a 5 per cent threshold of votes in either the Czech Lands or Slovakia in order to win seats ; votes for unsuccessful parties were redistributed proportionally among successful ones .
9 The International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine says that its target of 90 per cent reduction of waste from industry and water treatment plants has to all intents and purposes been met .
10 Failure of Antarctic sanctuary plan A French proposal for the establishment of an Antarctic whale sanctuary was withdrawn when it became clear that it would not win the requisite 75 per cent level of support of IWC members .
11 They recorded 51 per cent loss of bones for the prey of juvenile owls as opposed to 37 per cent for adults .
12 A report in the journal Nature by a group of British scientists predicts that a doubling of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere , which is expected in the next century , could lead to 100 per cent destruction of ozone in the lower stratosphere over the Arctic and northern Europe .
13 For example , if interest rates are currently 12 per cent on other equivalent assets , a £100 000 bill will be sold for approximately £97 000 , which will earn the purchaser an approximately 3 per cent rate of discount over the three months , which is equivalent to approximately 12 per cent per annum .
14 The combination of a 10 per cent rate of interest with a £67.5 million level of income represents a second point on the LM curve , plotted as point D in graph ( d ) .
15 Again , in the trading check example above there is the matter of weekly collection : allowing for that puts the 66 per cent rate of charge on 21-week repayment in a different light — expensive , certainly , but not extortionate .
16 Revenue from VAT , limited to a 1 per cent rate of VAT on a common base , was also transferred to the EC .
17 Due to population increases and the deterioration in water quality , the per capita availability of water for human consumption is decreasing .
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