Example sentences of "provide [det] [noun] of [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 STRONGER-than-expected factory production revealed yesterday provided another ray of hope for Chancellor Norman Lamont as he put the final touches to the Budget .
2 Or if an adult hospital patient with young children is known to be terminally ill , it should be possible to provide some kind of support for the spouse and the children in preparation for their loss , in order that they may work through their grief and come to terms with their new situation .
3 Fourth , though the concept of a legal right to decent housing has not been fully accepted by government , local authorities are legally required to provide some type of shelter for most of the homeless .
4 And she could use these groups to provide some forms of education for parenthood .
5 The Earthtrust presence at Penghu has focussed national attention on the dolphin drives , and senior officials in the Taiwanese Fisheries Department are now considering the introduction of legislation to provide some form of protection for marine mammals .
6 Even in countries with laws that provide some degree of protection for marine mammals , fishermen are often reluctant to report incidental catches of dolphins or porpoises because they fear having restrictions placed on their use of set-nets .
7 Perhaps the most significant intellectual advance of the mid-20th century was indeed made by Karl Popper , not because he provided any kind of method for scientists to pursue ( as he decidedly did not ) but because he showed for the first time in formal philosophy , that science is inescapably a human activity , and that if its underlying human-ness is ever shelved it is only temporarily , and for convenience , to ameliorate human frailty .
8 Yet , until very recently , the local health authority made no attempt to provide any kind of rehabilitation for their former patient .
9 There is no requirement in the UK for colleges to provide any sort of support for deaf students .
10 The only one of the sources to provide any sort of basis for Husameddin 's statement , however , appears to be Ibn Taghribirdi , who seems to say that when he [ Molla Fenari ] stayed in Cairo , his son prayed the tarawih ( a Ramadan prayer ) in the medrese of al-Zayni " Abd al-Basit b .
11 In border areas , dwellings which incorporated architectural features concerned with defence ( the ‘ maison-fortes ’ of France ) were both dwellings for a family and , in certain circumstances , they might provide some measure of protection for local people , in so doing underlining the nobleman 's responsibility for the defence of the people .
12 Nevertheless , standards can provide some sort of framework for services , if they are credibly based upon existing practice rather than utopian ideals .
13 Also , if you have a cat and you want to let it out , you could at least provided some sort of warning for the prey , so that the prey has a better chance of escaping ; such as a bell around the neck for example .
14 Similarly , the massive movement of earth involved in modern road construction provides little chance of survival for any archaeological site on the line of a new road ; the construction of dams usually involves earth-moving on a vast scale , and the destruction and drowning of large areas of the landscape .
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