Example sentences of "mr [noun] say [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Hooke says he finds it hard to imagine that a company as large as Raytheon would propose a £250m takeover without knowing how Corporate Jets would fit into its existing operations .
2 Mr Sinclair said : ‘ Police started preliminary inquiries and then Mr Jowett said he wanted us to stop .
3 Ingleton School is a Church of England junior and infant school and Mr Boocock said he thought it was appropriate for the issue of the church 's role in education to be discussed in church .
4 Mr Clarke said he assumed it had done a U-turn across the central reservation .
5 On police authorities , Mr Clarke said he expected them in future to have a mix of eight elected councillors , three magistrates and five members , including the chairman , appointed by the Home Secretary .
6 On police authorities , Mr Clarke said he expected them in future to have a mix of eight elected councillors , three magistrates and five members , including the chairman , appointed by the Home Secretary .
7 When questioned about selective internment , Mr Smyth said he believed it should go ahead and be even handed , involving both loyalist and republican terrorists .
8 Mr Fallon said he thought it was fatuous to compare one income with another .
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