Example sentences of "provide [art] [noun sg] for they [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 And that produced a spin off effect , because the people who actually lived in properties or the shopkeepers in the properties , they could see that the outsides were improved , and that provided a spur for them to provide the insides .
2 And it claimed as the travellers were n't proper gipsies , the council had no legal duty to provide a place for them to stay .
3 Towards the end of the Summer term it 's common practice in most schools to invite the parents of the new intake of children to visit the school to explain the routines and organisation , to give them a chance to meet the teachers and also to provide an opportunity for them to share any concerns they might have .
4 1.13 Our fundamental assumption is that all pupils are entitled to an education that will provide the opportunity for them to develop to the best of their abilities a competence in and appreciation of English .
5 Boys , on the other hand , tend towards holist strategies , and get training in serialist strategies from their teachers , thus providing the opportunity for them to become versatile learners .
6 But I mean we also , we , I mean we 're providing a service for them to allow them to come on off the street , use the bus , right , but at the same time were trying to provide services for them because one of the things that came out in a consultation was , young people did n't feel that there was enough information for them in the town .
7 God has brought them to himself , and in the shed blood has provided a way for them to live and walk with him .
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