Example sentences of "call [prep] an [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 He has also called for an election to a constituent assembly to be held within two months , to restore ‘ institutional democracy … as soon as possible . ’
2 Some critics , including the US government 's attorney general , have called for an end to the insanity plea altogether .
3 Scandinavian seamen 's unions called for an end to the use of flags of convenience in Scandinavian waters ( ships ' safety precautions being the responsibility of the country with which they were registered ) .
4 Bush denied that he had been in Paris and called for an end to the " rumour-mongering " concerning the affair .
5 The " Dresden manifesto " , approved unanimously at the end of the conference , ( i ) stressed the importance of forging genuine unity between the two parts of the country ; and ( ii ) called for an end to the constitutional ban on using German troops outside the NATO arena and for their use in UN peacekeeping forces or in a future European force .
6 They 've also sent pictures illustrating the message to a woodyard where earlier this week demonstrators called for an end to the trade in tropical hardwoods .
7 A Tory councillor has called for an end to the row which broke out after Darlington council checks revealed faults in the crash barriers around the upper deck of the NCP car park in East Street .
8 An MP is calling for an improvement to the exotic bird trade which a new Government report has branded ’ barbarous and inhumane ’ .
9 THOUSANDS of demonstrators marched through the Moscow streets yesterday calling for an end to the Communist Party 's monopoly of power , in the first independent parade to be held on the anniversary of the Russian Revolution since Stalin imposed totalitarian conformity on the Soviet Union .
10 The 10th anniversary on May 4 of the death of Josip Broz Tito , the founder of communist Yugoslavia , was marked by a minute 's silence throughout the country , but also by a demonstration by around 2,000 Serbs in Belgrade calling for an end to the personality cult surrounding Tito and for his remains to be moved from Belgrade to his native Croatia .
11 It expressed the hope that the concern for the implementation of UN resolutions would lead to increased pressure on Turkey to comply with resolutions calling for an end to the occupation .
12 We ask for help in our task of calling for an end to the executions and the release of all political prisoners .
13 It calls for an end to the fighting , and re-asserts the OAS principles of non-interference in the internal afairs of other states and no military action against a fellow OAS member except in the case of aggression .
14 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the use of animals in cosmetic-testing in particular and product-testing in general .
15 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the coercive use of any animal in military research , or in such research topics as the deleterious effects of smoking , maternal deprivation and drug addiction .
16 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the traditions of ‘ sport ’ hunting and trapping of wildlife .
17 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the commerce in the skins of other animals for purposes of human vanity .
18 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the capture and training of wild animals , for purposes of entertainment .
19 Chile called for an end to the fighting and refused to recognise the new Panamanian leader , Mr Guillermo Endara .
20 The summit also called for an end to the deadlock in Iran-Iraq peace talks , which it blamed on the " persistently negative stance and intransigence " of Iran .
21 Citizens ' action groups protested at the environmental damage caused by NATO manoeuvres and , in August 1989 , the SPD called for an end to the special rights and privileges enjoyed by the allied forces .
22 On March 12 , 1990 , Stoltenberg called for an end to the stationing of battlefield nuclear weapons on West German territory on the grounds that their relevance would be lost with German unification .
23 On May 29 Bush called for an end to the proliferation of chemical , biological and nuclear weapons in the Middle East and urged the world 's leading arms suppliers , notably the five permanent members of the UN Security Council , to convene an international conference to devise guidelines to curb arms sales to the region .
24 It called for an end to the Arab boycott of Israel , and for Israel to end the " policy of settlement in the Occupied Territories " .
25 Other NAM members , notably Zimbabwe , also called for an end to the monopoly of power by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council .
26 This maintained a trend of conciliation begun the previous year when Iran 's Majles Speaker Rafsanjani was invited to meet King Fahd during his visit to Saudi Arabia for the annual pilgrimage and Crown Prince Abdallah called for an end to the war and the submission of the two sides to ‘ just and honest mediation ’ .
27 Waltham Forest health authority , which includes Mr Norman Tebbit 's Chingford constituency , in Essex , has become the second health authority to call for an end to the dispute by either negotiation or arbitration .
28 The clashes spread to the republic 's parliament building yesterday afternoon , when suspected Serb gunmen opened fire on tens of thousands of demonstrators , who had braved the troubled streets to call for an end to the spiralling violence .
29 On the eve of the start of the plenum various radical pro-reform groups organized a huge demonstration in the centre of Moscow to call for an end to the communist monopoly , for the removal of conservatives from the CPSU leadership , and for an end to privileges for the nomenklatura ( party functionaries ) .
30 Following an appeal by UN Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar for a cease-fire over civilian-populated areas , this was accepted by both sides and the secretary-general now sought to widen it into something that would give effect to the Security Council resolutions , call for an end to the fighting altogether .
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