Example sentences of "try [to-vb] [adv] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The project will try to go further than a mere description of attitudes or beliefs : the object is to explain their origins in previous experiences and to predict their implications for future action .
2 It is a general picture this book tries to depict rather than the detailed idiosyncrasies of any political leader .
3 So , although " finding things out " is not an inaccurate rendering of what research is directed toward , often this is finding out whether a particular conception of the discipline , in sociological terms a perspective or an approach , can be deployed in research inquiry rather than trying to find out whether a particular theory is true or false .
4 Using the wrong face can destroy the effect that a document was trying to create just as the wrong colour can ruin a decoration scheme
5 She sat , trying to look everywhere but the deep-ocean blue of those eyes .
6 Part of my mind was trying to point out that the facial expression was wholly unlike her , and she never called me Del unless she wanted something .
7 A heavy wooden desk with a large-scale ordnance survey map of the area pinned out across it , and some papers which Donaldson was trying to read upside-down when the little fat man walked in .
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