Example sentences of "try [to-vb] [pron] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 South Clwyd Coroner John Hughes said he had been impressed by the courage of the other crew members of the Warrior and medics who had pulled L Cpl Edwards from the vehicle , tried to resuscitate him and taken him to hospital .
2 He snarled and whined and grizzled , admitted nothing , pretending to be insulted , tried to bully me or bluff me or charm me .
3 There was none of the violence of illness in it , no writhing or moaning , and it was never impatient or irritable when Kalchu tried to feed it or probed it for sores .
4 I do n't think er my only comment would be that having heard all the comments that have been made and listened to them and tried to dissect them and understand them , I do n't think they really alter er fundamentally our position .
5 Siobhan Coulson , 25 , of Davyhulme , Manchester , told the industrial tribunal how Doctor Ettore Flore tried to kiss her and hold her hand while on a business trip in The Gambia .
6 ‘ When he first told me , I tried to understand him and agreed he could dress up once a week at home .
7 Louise tried to soothe him and persuade him to drink the antiseptic draught which McNab had given her .
8 People with power and authority who did n't like the things that Jesus said and did , and who tried to threaten him or get him beaten up .
9 John thought it might be useful to try to locate them and to warn them off .
10 Judge Richard May told Mills ’ to drive in that way when she tried to stop you and knock her down and run her over was callous behaviour beyong belief . ’
11 Ellen slapped Bernard back , and the next day , after a meeting of all parties at which the local Director of Social Services tried to please everyone and offended everybody , lingered after the meeting , provocative and yawning amongst the filing cabinets , until he caught on , locked the door , and embraced her thankfully .
12 Do n't try to counsel somebody and tell them how much income support they 're going to get .
13 ‘ He means well , but all he ever does is try to grab me and take me home . ’
14 Why not just accept experience — why try to understand it and encapsulate it in words which will necessarily have an imprisoning effect upon the insight ?
15 For non-metals if you try to hit them and beat them into sheets or if you try to stretch them you get ?
16 Try to avoid anything that makes you want to vomit .
17 And they try to institutionalise it and put me down .
18 IN fact planning any route that you 've made up yourself across wild land is fun , unless you 're doing so to escape from someone who is trying to kill you or lock you up .
19 The men are trying to catch mine and hook themselves on to me as ‘ guides ’ .
20 ‘ And almost every night I 'm woken by the sound of Graham trying to scratch himself or asking me to scratch him .
21 He was still doing it over an hour later , frantically trying to remember everything and wishing he had somewhere to write it all down , when there was a sound of feet running up the stairs .
22 And we find that mistakes and misunderstandings are a far more common cause of complaint than deliberate dishonesty or someone trying to cheat you or rip you off .
23 Others , who are just as willing , have great difficulties in trying to understand them and meet their needs without appearing to intrude , or deprive them of their independence .
24 ‘ And I know what they say about people who invite other people out to dinner and then spend the whole time trying to depress them and ruin their lives . ’
25 Theda was too occupied in trying to compose herself and wiping her wet cheeks to notice the oddity of there being a groom in Benedict 's train .
26 When it comes to finding a new job , you 'll obviously start by trying to get one that uses your existing skills .
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